(Dad:) These attacks of the Enemy are a strange thing! You might wonder how come the Enemy can attack you so if the Lord loves you so much, and if He is in control and has His angels encamped around you. You might wonder how the Enemy can get through all of that and cause you such pain and suffering.
         The Devil can take a weakness that sometimes comes through the flesh, and use it to attack you in the spirit. Sometimes these weaknesses in the flesh come through disobediences to the health rules, or are even disobediences to the Lord's spiritual laws; these things weaken you and open the door for the Enemy to attack you.
         You need to get together and pray and see in which ways you are not obeying the Lord. Even little things can open the door for the Enemy to attack you. If you're not being faithful with your get-out, or if your diet isn't right, or if you're not getting enough sleep--if you disobey in these ways, it weakens your body in time, and then the Enemy can take that weakness and use it to attack you. The Lord allows him to attack you in that way because you have been disobedient. This opens a chink in your armor and a way for the Enemy to get through your defenses to attack you.
         If you're not getting vigorous get-out and really making your heart pump, then your body can't get rid of the poisons and your circulation isn't good, and this can bring about all kinds of problems and difficulties. So even if you're young, don't think that you can get away with not having good get-out. You need to have good get-out every day or you are going to suffer for it.
         You need to have a good diet to give your body the strength to fight off the attacks of the Enemy. And you need to have good sex to help you relax, to help get rid of the tension and to help you get the sleep you need. When your body is sleeping, that's when the Lord can repair the weak areas and restore your strength and give your resistance a boost to be able to fight the attacks of the Enemy.
         So there are many things, even in the physical, which can open the door to the attacks of the Enemy. It is also true of the spiritual. If you get very discouraged, this too opens the door for the Enemy to attack you. You might think there's not much of a connection between a time of heavy discouragement and a physical affliction, but there
can be a connection. Because when you get very discouraged and you lose faith, that's when you lose your Halloween Wheel of power and anointing. When you lose your power and anointing, then the Enemy can come in and attack you. And he'll often use physical afflictions, because they make you more discouraged. They weaken you in the flesh and cause you to fear. And unless you turn your eyes to the Lord and look to Him and His Word, they can even weaken you in the spirit.
         So you see, my dear one, all these little details in your life are important: getting your get-out, eating right, sleeping right, loving right, working right, and staying close to the Lord. All these things are important if you want to stay in good health.

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