         It is a marvelous thing in My eyes to see My children, these who have served many years, through many days of darkness and different situations, still trusting and still following, still continuing on in their hearts, the sons of David, the children of light.
         But the Vile One would say to Me, "Yes, but what about these younger ones? What about the second generation? Will they continue on? They continue on when they have it good, when everything goes their way."
         I say to him, "No, they will continue on through thick and thin, as their fathers and mothers have. They will trust Me."
         But the Vile One says, "But what if I take away their loved ones? What if I take away their blessings? What if I take away their health? What if I give them trials, heartaches, heartbreaks, persecution and the sword? Will they continue to trust in You? Will they continue to follow?"
         I will rejoice with you as you come through the test, trusting Me, holding on to Me, following Me through thick and thin, through richer and poorer, through sickness and in health, through loss and heartbreak, even through persecution, nakedness, famine and the sword! If you come through saying, "Here I stand by the grace of God, I can do no other," you will not be standing alone, for I will be standing with you with My head held high, proud of you, My children. And oh, the reward! Oh, the crown! Oh, the joy that I will give you if you will just hold on to Me. Hold on and don't turn back.

Copyright (c) 1998 by The Family