         I wish all My children to truly be married one to another--the shepherds with their flocks, the young with the old, the single with the single, the marrieds with the marrieds, the singles with the marrieds, and Me with all My children. This is an ensample of things to come, a taste of the Marriage Feast of the Lamb when we will all be married together, and we will partake of the ceremony of love.
         I will take each of My brides one by one into My bosom, to say special words of love unique to each person, for them and them alone. I will place upon them a ring of love, and a chain of My unending and unbreakable vow of love about their neck. I will take and kiss and hold and love each one. We shall all be one forever, as I love each one, and as we all love each other in our great marriage in the Heavenlies. For it will not only be a marriage to Me, but a marriage of all My children to each other.

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