         I would that you start each new day afresh in sweet lovemaking. Say not, "Oh, but I have no time to start out the day in the bed of love, for the children have need of me and there is this and that to tend to. One needs this, and the other needs that." Yes, My dear, I know they have need, and I will tend to every need if you will but cast your care on Me and let Me carry you through.
         I know that this is the true desire of your heart, the wish on your lips, and the prayer of your soul--that you may revel in My love and be filled with My seeds. I know you want Me. I know you desire Me, but at times you don't see how to fit it all in--how to supply the needs of your Husband, and yet meet the needs of the children. You have but to take this step of faith, to just lie back in My arms and rest. Enjoy these times of sweet peace in our little haven, our chamber of love, and you will see, and you will experience, and you will find strength that you know not of to care for these precious ones.

Copyright (c) 1998 by The Family