         Hurry, stress, pressure, tension, all these things are of the Enemy. Hurry is a lack of faith. Hurry, pressure and tension come when you're thinking you have to do it in your own strength, your own power, your own ways, and by your own hard work.
         It is the Enemy who speeds everything up, but I say, slow it down. Take time to come out of the wings, into My temple. Take time in bed with Me, resting, relaxing, making love to Me, hearing My still, small voice, receiving My seeds. Take time to allow Me to whisper My answers, My solutions, My wonder working Words in your ear in times of quietness and confidence and peace and rest.
         When you're hurrying and running around in your own strength, how can you hear My voice or find My strength? Take time to rest in Me. Take time to lie in My arms, to hear My Words, to find My solutions, because they're there for you in great abundance.
         I am not just your King and your Savior and your Shepherd, but I am your Lover, your Husband, the One Who longs to supply all your needs and care for you in every way, both great and small. I want you to see My love, to feel it. I want it to be manifest in your everyday lives, through solutions and great supply and peace and fruitfulness. But you can only find this as you spend time with Me--loving Me, listening to Me, becoming one with Me. Through those times of intimacy you will find the power and anointing and solutions that you so desperately need.
         So don't let the Enemy speed things up and push you and rush you and cause you to hurry and run around in your own strength. Recognize that this is a tactic, a ploy of the Enemy. Slow things down. Take time to relax. Take time with Me. For I am your Answer Man. I am the One with the solutions. I am your Husband, your Lover, and I will never fail you! (ML #3073).

Copyright (c) 1998 by The Family