         I look at your
faithfulness, not at your accomplishments. Look at My prophet Jeremiah. How much did he accomplish? He gave the message, but not many people listened to him. They threw him in prison, and he had a lot of hard times with very few results. But he was faithful. He was faithful to give the message and to do what I called him to do, so I rewarded him greatly. That's why he's one of My great saints of all time.
         And so it is with you. I'm not counting up your accomplishments and how many great things you've done, but I'm counting the days that you've been faithful.--Every day that you got up and took care of those kids and you tried to raise them in the nurture and the admonition of the Lord; every day that you went out to tell others about Me, to witness as best and as long as you could. I know that you feel it wasn't much, but I understand the many other burdens and pressures of taking care of a Home, raising support, and raising your children. You've done what you could.
         Take the example of the widow who gave her mite to the temple. It wasn't much--very little compared to others who gave of their abundance--but in My eyes it was just as great a gift. In fact, it was a
greater gift, because she had given her all. So it is with you. To you it seems like but a mite, but a small thing. You look at others and compare; you see the great things they have done, and you feel like your gift is so small. But to Me, your gift is greater, because it is all that you have. You gave your all, and for that, a great reward is stored up for you in Heaven!

Copyright (c) 1998 by The Family