         By faith, by faith, by faith. Your whole life has been a walk of faith. Time and again I have asked you to step out by faith, and you know through experience that I have not failed you. I have never let you down. Again, I am calling you to step out by faith. Step out on the water. Don't look at the waves--look at Me. Trust in Me. Come unto Me. If you do this, I will never let you down, for I have the solutions. I know what you need, but you must come unto Me.
         Even though it may look like an impossible situation, I am the God of miracles, and it takes those impossible situations for Me to do My miracles. Therefore step out on the water and spend time with Me, time in My arms, time in My Words, and you will see the results. I have so much in store for you if you will just step out by faith (ML #3073).

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