         Consider My great men who have walked the face of the Earth, and the great and mighty things that they have done. You look at their greatness and the way they were so mightily used of Me, that they were My mouthpieces, they were My Word, they wrought miracles, they brought forth great wonders, they delivered great messages and they accomplished My will greatly. Why could they do these things? Because they were faithful in that which was least. Because I tested them and I tried them and I proved them, and they came through as faithful men, as obedient men, as yielded men.
         Consider the breakings that these went through to become the men that I wanted them to be. You read of their exploits and glories, but there was not space in My Book to write of all that they went through. The things you read about them were the outcroppings, the peaks, the highlights. They had these because day by day, hour by hour, minute by minute, they obeyed Me, they followed Me, they served Me. They learned in the little things so that they would be faithful in the big things (ML #3052).

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