         When I was faced with the crowds and the multitudes, I knew I couldn't solve the problems. How was I ever going to come up with enough food to feed 5,000 people from a mere five loaves and two fishes? That was an impossible task! But I didn't worry about it! I couldn't worry about it. I only had to accept by saying, "Yes, Father, You are right; I cannot do this.
I cannot, but You can." And My Father did! He did what I, in My strength, could not do.
         And you know, I didn't feed those 5,000 by organizing fishing boats and sending My disciples out to catch fish first thing. I fed the 5,000 by quiet trust and full assurance, knowing that what My Father had promised, He was also able to perform. All I did was look up and cast My burden on My Father. He sustained Me, and He sustained the crowds, and 5,000 ate that day.
         I had to truly trust first. I had to take the stand of faith first for My Father to do the miracle. Then
afterward came the organization and distribution of the goods, but the quiet trust and the stand of faith came first (ML #3071).

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