         Pray without ceasing! Keep the fires burning! Difficult situations require more earnest prayers, and sometimes you must keep fanning the flame, keep fueling the fire, that it go not out. So it is with desperate prayers and quickie prayers. Longer, united, fervent prayer can set the fire ablaze, while quickie prayers can keep it well fueled. Keep adding one log here, another log there, and keep it burning until the desired results are met.
         The very intensity with which you pray will be reflected in the intensity with which I will answer, so you must pray according to the need.
         Be not rigid in your prayers. Be not stuck in a rut, formal and stiff. When you get excited and come to Me with enthusiasm and fervor, it turns Me on and inspires Me to answer, to do all within My power to help. But when you speak as if it's a drudgery, a formality, I feel as though you don't really care.
         Please, I beg of you, spare Me the ritual! I want a relationship! I want your heart! I want your love! I want your utter dependence on Me!

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