         Do not look at another man's position or another man's blessings, for you do not see as God sees. You do not even see blessings as God sees blessings. For the purgings and the testings, the desert times that seem to you to be a curse, that seem to be the time when I have lifted My hands from you, these are also blessings in My eyes. For they mold you and they strengthen you, and they make you into what I would have you to be.--Not what you think you should be, but what I would have you to be.
         And why are these Here in My Heavenly realm contented and happy and praiseful and joyful?--Because they understand these things! They understand that not all can be called to this one task or to that one task. They understand that I love them for what they are. I love them for what they do, whether big or small in the eyes of man. I love them because they love Me, and they love Me because I love them.
         So do not look at what another has. Look to Me, the Author and Finisher of your faith. Look to Me, for I see just you. I judge just you. I love just you. So be faithful in the calling in which I have placed you. Serve Me, trust Me, obey Me. Yield to Me in the position I have placed you, whether it be a high position or a lowly position, whether you be on top of the mountain or whether you be in the depths of the desert. For in all these places I love you, for you are Mine.
         He of great position is Mine, and he of lowly position is Mine. He that seems to be mightily blessed is Mine. He that is in the midst of storms and trials and testing is Mine. For you are Mine, and I love you for who you are, and I love you for what you are doing, for being faithful with that which I have given you (ML #3052).

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