         I love every one of My children. I love each of you so much that I gave My life when I died on the cross to save each of you. My love is so great that many do not understand it. Many cannot see how I could have come to Earth and died on the cross to save you. Even in this day and age, people question whether or not I really am the Son of God, and whether I really am Who I say I am. So it is in the hands of people like you that I leave the responsibility of pouring forth this message to the world.
         The Enemy of your souls is out there seeking whom he may devour. He is reaching out his fangs and his claws, trying to gather more followers for his cause in this day and age, trying to capture the hearts of the world through slanderous and vicious means.
         I need your help! I need the help of My children, strong warriors like yourself, to spread the news that I am the truth, I am love, and I am the only light of this world. Without Me, you can do nothing. This day and age is getting darker and darker, and the world is being flooded by so many lies that it is difficult for people to understand the simplicity of the Gospel and the simplicity of My love. It is for this reason that I have chosen the Family in this Endtime to pour forth My Words to the lost.
         Though My Words may fall on stony ground at times, and though they may not be received, and though they may be rejected by many, some of My Words will fall on
good ground and on those who will be reached through the efforts of your love.

Copyright (c) 1998 by The Family