         In every man's life there are testings, there are trials, there are provings, there are periods of purging, of squeezing, of melting, of molding. But I do not withdraw My love during that time. I am there and I am faithful to love you, for I have purchased you and you are Mine. But I allow these things to cause you to grow and to make you strong.
         When one man goes through these periods of testing, and yet another man seems to be greatly blessed, it is not a sign that I love one over the other. Do not judge My love according to outward appearance. I judge each one as one. I love each one as one. If I have called you to a lowly task, to a humble task, to a tedious task, you should not look at another who has a seemingly glorious task and say, "This one is more loved of God than I," for it is not so. I love you, and I judge you according to that which I have brought across your path. I judge you according to your faithfulness, your yieldedness, and your willingness (ML #3052).

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