(Dad:) You, my funny little one, have been learning the lessons that you've been needing. Even during the times that you've been failing, you haven't been letting yourself get bogged down in the mire of condemnation. So you've been growing! You still have a long ways to go; you know that. Just like the Lord's been laying on your heart and like I've been whispering to you in these recent months, there are still definite areas you need to keep desperate about, that you're never going to be perfect in. But if you just keep desperate and keep praying, the Lord will help you overcome. In spite of your weaknesses you'll do great and mighty things for Him that you know not of, because He's working in you. So don't worry or fret! He's going to do it, because it's His work.
         You'd better fight with all your might to plug into the Lord's Word every day, because that's where your peace is going to come from. That's where your steadiness, your faith and trust and calmness of spirit and peace of mind is going to come from--from making sure you stop, making sure you read. It doesn't matter whether you have some wonderful program set up of what you're going to read, or even anything organized at all. It will be the spirit and attitude of stopping everything and getting quiet before the Lord that's going to count. The Lord will bless your faith and faithfulness to just stop and get quiet and read and reflect and listen and ponder and pray and take things to Him.
         There are going to be some hectic times ahead, and people will depend on you to be depending on Jesus, and depending on me, and depending on all that's been poured into you. A lot is going to be required of you, more than you can imagine. And do you know what?--The Lord is going to do it through you! You'll be amazed! But the only way you're going to make it, the only way He's going to be able to do all this through you, is if you promise Jesus you'll stop every day somehow, some time during the day, to be with Him.
         Of course you won't be perfect, but you've just got to do that. It's what's going to keep you sane. It's what's going to keep you fruitful. It's what's going to make you the blessing that I'm counting on you to be. And even though you don't feel worthy, even though you don't feel trustworthy, even though you don't feel all the wonderful things others believe and see in you, you
are, because you've been found faithful.

Copyright (c) 1998 by The Family