         You have looked upon yourselves as weak, as broken, even as forsaken, but I have said, great is your faithfulness! You have looked to Me. You have kept the faith. You have trusted Me year after year, decision after decision, baby after baby, country after country, trial after trial, persecution after persecution. You have kept your eyes on Me regardless of the circumstances, and even more, you have held fast to the Words of David. You have drunk these in as sweet nectar and honey. You have grasped at them! You have clung to them! You have taken them unto your very soul, as one who is thirsty drinks after a long walk through the desert. Your hearts have rejoiced at My Words through My servant David.
         This has been your manner for year after year after year, in spite of your own weaknesses, shortcomings or failures. You have clung to Me and to My Words, and for this I do highly honor you. For as it was said of Abraham, that he was blessed because he believed Me, and his faith was counted unto him as righteousness; so has your faith been counted unto you, recorded in Heaven, and never to be forgotten!
         You have storehouses of treasure and rewards waiting for you! Each hour, each day, each week, each month, each year that you have lived for Me will be rewarded. You will be amazed and astounded at the rewards laid up for you, for every ounce of faith and trust that you have placed in Me (ML #3047).

Copyright (c) 1998 by The Family