         You have chosen the good thing, the humble thing, the yielded thing, and this is where My blessings dwell, and they dwell with you. As you have become a babe again, so do I hold you, and so do I strengthen you, and so do I supply for you. Do not think that these times are only times of struggle, for these are times of learning and of preparing and of humbling--times of desperation, but times of great joy.
         You do not have the burdens of leadership, the burdens of caring for others, the burdens of notoriety. You have this simple life that I have given you at this time so that you can learn those things that I would have you learn, so you may be strong and useful and highly anointed in the days to come.
         My way up is down. I have brought you down to a low place, a quiet place, a humble place, that I might greatly exalt you in the days to come. So learn to be a new man, a humble man, a prayerful man, that I may use you in the days to come. For only those that are humble, that are yielded, that are vessels for My using, can be used in the way that I wish to use them.
         The lowly and the meek, those who are dependent upon Me, who hear My voice and who obey My every whim, My every Word, My every thought, those are they that I can use in the days to come. And who will these be? They will be those who follow My road to humility, to yieldedness, to meekness, and to love. So do the lowly and do the humble and do the meek things, that I may highly exalt you in the days to come (ML #3043).

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