         My bride, My darling, My favored loves--how I love you! I am your loyal Lover. I am as One who is hopelessly and endlessly in love with you from everlasting to everlasting. How I long for you! How I love you! How I long to please you! How I long to wait upon you, to see you happy, to fulfill your every dream and wildest longing. How I live for you--to please you, to fill you, to thrill you. How I delight to satisfy your every desire and to supply your every need. How I love to love you. How I thrill at the sight of you! How I long to lighten your load. How I long to do anything within My power to make it easy for you to be good.
         My darling, My most intimate spouse, My most favored bride, My Family of lovers, My most favored of loves--I am as a man sick with love for you! You truly are My pets! How I long to please you! How I wait ever so patiently, constantly at your side, that I might answer, that I might do your bidding, that I may come when you call--always ready, always waiting, always listening.
         Oh, My precious loves, please do not misinterpret My motives. Do not think that I seek to punish. How I love you! How I adore you! How it pains Me, the very thought that you could think of Me as an ogre in the sky--cold of heart and lacking in understanding. I am not a strict taskmaster. I am as one who is starstruck with love--love that longs for you; love that will go to any length; love that will stand any test; love that is ever waiting, ever patient, longing for you to love Me, to know Me intimately.

Copyright (c) 1998 by The Family