         A covered pot does not receive the flow of the water of My Words, yet that does not change the purity of that water, or the fruit of that water, or the thirst-quenching ability of that water. For the same water poured into a
receptive vessel is received with gladness, and quenches the thirst.
         So when you judge the fruit of My Words, it must be judged by the reception of the open vessel. All My Word, when received by the receptive, brings forth beautiful fruit, changed lives, and love in their hearts. But My Word, when poured upon an unreceptive vessel, is rejected and does not bring forth fruit. So do you say, "Oh, the
Word does not bring forth good fruit?" No, for the vessel, the receptacle, is at fault.
         When one realizes that their vessel has been closed, and then they open it, they receive the refreshing waters in abundance and in gratefulness. So help these with closed hearts and with closed minds to understand that the problem lies not in My Words, and not in the carriers of My Words, and not in the delivery of My Words. The problem lies in the lack of receptivity within their own hearts and minds, for they block the way and they reject the very refreshing waters that they need.
         How is it that My Word brings such great joy and uplifting to some, and to others it brings heaviness? Is it not the same water? Is it not the same truth? But in one it is received and in the other it is rejected. It is a battle of the heart and the mind.
         Satan tries to defeat through constricting the receptivity. For a bottle with a very small opening, which is constricted and restricted, does not receive much of the great abundance of water that is poured upon it. But if the restrictions are taken away and the mouth is open, the bottle is filled and refreshed.
         I test the bottles now to see if the openings are constricted and restricted, or if they are wide open and receptive to receive the water of My Words (ML #3041).

Copyright (c) 1998 by The Family