         Because you are willing to give up something so precious to you, you will receive in return something even more precious. You will receive a closer, more intimate, more loving and passionate relationship with Me, your Husband, your First Love, your Bridegroom. I am the One Who will never leave you nor forsake you. I will be with you through thick and thin. I will hear your every prayer. I will see every tear that falls from your eyes. I will know the heartcry within you and your secret desires, and you will be as My pet. I will hallow you round about with an honor guard of angels to protect you and keep you in the way.
         You will learn that it is true that you never lose by giving. At this moment you cannot possibly see how you could receive anything in return that could be of greater value than this one that you love so dearly. But I promise you, the blessing that you will receive in return will be even more dear to your heart and it will bring forth even greater fruit in your life.

Copyright (c) 1998 by The Family