         You must now, more than ever, daily take time to give the burdens to Me, and learn to work in the Spirit and not the flesh, leaning not to your own understanding but committing all your thoughts and all your ways to Me. When you commit your thoughts to Me, then I am able to strengthen you, for I strengthen your mind that it faint not in adversity. Your mind shall then be filled with My Spirit, with My thoughts, with the whispers--the same whispers that created the universe--and with My inspiration and power rather than your own.
         So commit your thoughts and your mind to Me, that your thoughts become not entangled in the wisdom of man or in trying to figure out or analyze things. Give your mind wholly to Me that I may influence and speak to you through the simple whispers. For in simplicity there is great strength, power and conviction, because it is not entangled with entrapments and difficulties. You can then remain single-minded, looking unto Me, the Author and Finisher of your faith.
         Come to Me, My dear one! Let Me take you. Let Me hold you. Let Me possess you every day and every moment! Let Me possess every part of your mind and heart, My beautiful bride in whom I delight, and in whom I love to live My life.

Copyright (c) 1998 by The Family