         These are days of preparation for that which is ahead. For I bring you along hand in hand, leading you, guiding you, preparing you, strengthening you, giving you what you need as you enter into these Last Days.
         Whether you are prepared or not, the time will come, shortly. I try to prepare you, but your preparedness depends upon
you--upon your willingness, your openness, your yieldedness, your desire for the things of the Spirit. For as a soldier learns the art of warfare, so must you learn to use My weapons of the Spirit. So must you learn to be strengthened in My Spirit. I test you and probe you now that I may know what you are made of, so that in the time of those tests that are ahead, you will have the means to stand.
         Use this time of peace to prepare for the war of the Spirit that is ahead. For these are the days of preparation, the days of training, the days of testings. These are the days that come before the time of the end.
         Prepare in Spirit. Learn to hear My voice. Learn to follow My Spirit. Learn to feed yourselves from the Words that I have poured forth. Learn to love one another. Learn to work in harmony one with another. Learn to trust one another. These are important matters. The days will come when these things will be the coinage of the realm, the things of great value. Your ministries and your talents, though useful, will not be as important as the attributes of the Spirit, the gifts of the Spirit, the yieldedness of the Spirit.
         Do you want to be strong? Do you want to do exploits? Do you want to prepare? Then prepare in the Spirit. Draw nigh to Me, that I may draw nigh to you. Set aside the ways of the world and prepare for the day of the Lord! (ML #3027).

Copyright (c) 1998 by The Family