         I love you, My darling, My sweetheart! Let Me show you how to love. Let Me show you the secret of instant and perfect connection with Me.
         At any moment, any time, if you feel yourself slipping just a little, your courage fading, your spirit falling, your happiness and joy being lessened through some encounter, through some words you have heard, or through the attacks of the Enemy, My dear child, stop for a moment. Halt everything and concentrate on Me.
         Focus your mind's eye on a mental picture of Me as you love to see Me--ravishing, majestic, awesome, strong, caring, fatherly, playful, dream-like, your fantasy, kingly, royal. However you like, I will be that for you. Picture Me in your mind's eye, and then slip out of the work mode. Slip out of the business gear, away from accomplishing, away from the busyness, away from the working. Slip down out of the mind, into the chambers of the heart.
         Open the door to the chamber of love and walk softly in, for I wait for you there. Such refreshment, such visions, such inspiration, such thrills have I to give you at every moment, at every turn, at every crisis point, if you will but for a moment, for an instant, for a second slip away with Me. I do not ask for a long stretch of your time, but only short moments consistently throughout the day where you slip away with Me for a glance, for a look, for a kiss, for a hug, for an exchange of a few words.
         This is the secret, and this secret I share with you as the answer to how to love Me continually, how to keep Me first in your heart, how to keep Me first in your mind and in your life. How is that? By slipping away to be with Me throughout the day. By keeping Me ever-present in your mind and thoughts in all that you do.
         This will not take away from your work; it will enhance it. For as you slip in and out of My presence, you take with you a little more of My glow, of My aura, of My wisdom and power and Spirit. And this aids you in your work and in the decisions you make.
         So come, and make this a habit. I can hardly wait to see you more, to talk with you, to hold your hand, to kiss you. I have waited patiently for this, that I may spend more time with you. Now the desire comes at long last, and My joy is great.
         I love you, My sweet one! Rest now in My love.

Copyright (c) 1998 by The Family