         Do not look to the well of poison for your inspiration; neither look to the brackish well for the uplifting that you seek. Look to the pure waters--the pure water of My Words, the pure water of My music, the pure water of My Spirit. Oh, come! Come! Come up! Come up to the mountains where the mountain streams are clear and fresh! Come up where the air is not polluted! Climb! Climb ever upward, leaving the things of this Earth behind you, and you shall find a purity of spirit, a purity of heart. You shall find thrills that you never knew existed!
         Come to Me with your cup in hand, and see if I will not pour out to you some of the fresh water of My Spirit! For if you will look to Me in prayer and in desperation, if you will seek Me, and if you will ask Me to pour out to you the songs of the Spirit, then I will pour forth.
         Will you march forward? Will you march upward? Will you shed these things of Earth that hold you down? Will you set your affections on things above? Will you look to My face, and My face alone? Will you drink of My well and of My well alone? Will you come to Me that I may pour out to you the beauties of My Spirit, the beauties in song, the beauties in word, the beauties in action, the beauties in love? (ML #3022).

Copyright (c) 1998 by The Family