         I love all of My children equally. Each one is precious to Me, and I love each one as if he or she were the only one. Each one is as an only child to Me. This is how I pour forth My love and attention and affection and supply and protection to each one, as to an only child.
         I am devoted to each of My children with unending faithfulness, as a mother is to her only child. She faithfully watches over him and cares for him, attends to his education, the supply of his needs, and his desire for love and encouragement and instruction. She watches her only child with great admiration and pride, and finds tremendous joy as he grows and matures and becomes the fulfillment of her dreams. As this mother loves her only child, so do I love each one of My children as an only child, with much love and devotion and attention.
         One is not better than the other as far as deserving or receiving more of My love. But some of My children are more dedicated in that they have given more of themselves to Me. They are more yielded in that they have laid their will and their pride and their own desires at My feet. They have said to Me, "Do unto me and do with me that which seems best to You."
         Some of My children have characteristics or have developed habits that make them more useful in My Kingdom, and in this sense, some are better and some are best. The ones who are the best in My Kingdom as far as their usefulness are those who have learned to depend on Me; who have a hunger for My Word; who are willing to let go of their pride and do the humble thing; who have faith in My Words for today, My New Wine, and who have a desire to drink it in and to receive the strange truths that I give to them; who are willing to go where I lead and do what I say; who are willing to give themselves wholeheartedly without reservation to Me, that I might mold and make them into the vessels that I would have them to be; and especially those who love Me above all things, who put Me first in their heart and life and thoughts and desires.
         Those who have taken hold of these attitudes in their hearts and minds are the best in My Kingdom. Not because it is anything of themselves that makes them better, and not because I love them more, but because they are better vessels for Me. I am able to use them more greatly, and My light and love are able to shine through them more brightly. It all depends on how much they give themselves to Me, how yielded they are in My hands as soft clay, and whether they let Me have full sway in their lives so that I might make of them that which I desire.

Copyright (c) 1998 by The Family