         The Words that I speak unto you, they are Spirit and they are life, and they bring forth life. The Words your Father David gave to you were life-giving Words, Words of My Spirit, Words of My truth, Words that set you free from the captive's bonds, that set you free from the snares of Satan, that set you free from the clutches of this world. And whom I have set free is free indeed!--Free to love Me, free to serve Me, free to give love. But in this freedom, as in all freedom, there are those who take it as a liberty to do things that are in their hearts which are not of Me. Any time one does an unloving act, a harmful act, a selfish act, a hurtful act, it is not of Me.
         For I am the Creator of all things, and I judge the heart of man. I know the heart of man and all that is therein, so My judgment is just and true. At the day of judgment when you stand before Me and your life is reviewed, I shall judge by the act and by the intent of the heart, thus I judge righteous judgment. For I know the heart of man and there is nothing hid from Me.
         When you seek to do a thing, know that I see and understand the thoughts and intents of your heart. So in all that you do, be motivated by love--My love, love for one another, love for Me and love for the lost--that you may be found perfect before Me, perfect in love (ML #3016).

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