(From a teen in Heaven:) I really had a lot of negative thoughts about myself and compared myself with others. I just felt like I wasn't very needed or very gifted or very smart compared to others. I felt like I wasn't very good at anything.
         But now that I'm Here I see things a lot differently, and I realize that those kinds of things don't matter very much. How good you are at different things, or how gifted or how smart you are, or how well you can sing and dance, or how pretty you are, all those things don't really matter to Jesus. What matters when you get up Here is how much
love you have and how much faith you have, and whether you love the Word and you love Jesus and try to do the best you can; that's what matters.
         So that's a really, really important lesson that I've learned since I came Here, that you just don't have to try so hard and work so hard to be all these special important things and have a special big place and do important things and be real smart and real gifted, and have all kinds of fancy talents. I realize that that's not what's important. What's important is just loving Jesus. It's loving your brothers and sisters and winning souls and doing the best you can.
         I wanted to tell you that because I thought it'd be a relief to you. I thought it would give you peace and help you to relax in the Lord and to enjoy Him, enjoy your lives, and enjoy each other and everybody around you. It's just so nice to see how simple things are up Here. Everything is so simple. Everybody is so loving. Everybody is so warm and you feel so included. You feel so much a part of everything that's happening. It's really, really beautiful and I'm just so happy! (ML #3010).

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