         I know your love for your children is great, and your desire is for them to know Me in a much greater way, and to be close to My heart and bosom. This is also My desire, for I love each one specially. Each one is in My special care, a tender plant in My sight that I wish to be fed and nourished and strengthened by My Words, watered by the dew of My Spirit and tenderly cared for and guided so that it will grow in the right direction, straight and tall and strong and healthy.
         But there are many things that attack My tender plants, that would attempt to destroy what I have planned for them. There are sicknesses and diseases and blights that threaten them--the sicknesses and poisons and pollutants of the Evil One, of that which is not of Me nor My Spirit nor My ways, but the ways of the world and of death.
         So carefully and prayerfully guard and feed and tend and love and give utmost care to My tender plants, that they may grow strong and healthy and upright, and that the blights and sicknesses of Satan do not befall them.
         The Enemy knows that his time is short, and he seeks to flood the Earth with his lies and pollution and deception, to pollute the Waters of Life and wash away that which is good and Godly and right and loving and truthful. Let him not wash away any of the tender plants in your care. Keep them watered and keep their thirst quenched with the pure waters of My Words, My rain from Heaven. For he that thirsts for the waters that I shall give him shall have no need to thirst after that which the Enemy offers, which brings sickness and death.
         As the husbandman has great patience in tending and caring for the vine, and waits with patience for the fruit of the vine, so do I wait for the manifestations of My Spirit to come to fruition in the lives of these young ones. Be diligent stewards. Be not weary in your love and care and feeding of these tender plants, and you will be richly rewarded.

Copyright (c) 1998 by The Family