Nothing will break the tie of love that I have for you! Nothing can come between us. Nothing can separate Me from you, for My love is stronger than anything! No floods can quench it, no doubts can remove it, no lies can tarnish it, for it stands stronger than any of these.
         As you seek for and discover My love, as you swim in My love and revel in the ecstasy and the joy that I would give you, you will understand why the martyrs were even able to die for this love. It was greater to them than any trial or any persecution or any problem. It was so strong that even at the moment when they could not feel it, they knew it. It was stronger than any circumstance or any trial. For these pass away, but My love will not pass away.
         If you seek Me with all your heart you will find Me, for I would be found of you, and I would draw you unto Me. As you seek Me in the Word, you will find Me, for I will be found of you (ML #2985).

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