         You say, "Teach me how to pray. Show me how to please my Lord!" I say: Sing unto Me! Sing unto Me with the voice of thanksgiving! Sing unto Me with the voice of praise! Sing unto Me with the voice of love! Sing unto Me with the voice of joy! Sing unto Me with the voice of desperation! Sing your prayers unto Me. For in My realm there is much singing! There is much music!--Heavenly music!--Music that
worships Me, music that sings praise unto Me, music that sings prayers unto Me!
         So sing unto Me! For as you sing, you can focus in even more on what you say and pray. There are many ways to praise Me. You can praise Me in your heart, you can praise Me with your voice, and you can praise Me with song. You can praise Me with love.--And I love them all!
         These songs that are written--and, lo, there are many--are words of praise, of love, of joy, of service, and they are there for you! Sing them to Me as prayers. Sing them to Me as your own words, for I hear them as your words and as your heartcry.
         For those who say, "Oh, I don't sing well," I say, I hear in the Spirit. I hear the songs of the heart, and not the melody of the mouth. So fear not to sing unto Me and to praise Me in song. For I love to hear these tender words, these praiseful words, these thankful words, these words of desperation, these words of service, these words of love. I love to hear them as you sing them unto Me, and as you pray them unto Me, and as you think them unto Me (ML #3005).

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