         As you lift Me up, I will draw more men unto Me and unto you--those who would be aligned with you, who will love you, who will serve you, who will support you, who will offer you a helping hand in time of need. For if you feed them, they will feed you. As you minister unto them the spiritual things, they will minister unto you the physical things.
         So open your doors to these that are hungry, to these that search, to these that need the fellowship, the caring, the shepherding, the counsel, the wisdom. They need a listening ear. They need to be directed to My Word. They need regular feeding that they may be strengthened, that they
too may become witnesses of My Word, and of you, unto others.
         Though they may not be willing to leave all behind to serve Me, yet they can still serve Me by caring for and loving you, by witnessing in their workplace and to their friends, and thus they can bring
others unto you.
         Feed them and care for them. Become involved with them. Pour forth your hearts to them. Pour forth your love to them. Accept them and open your doors to them. Be not afraid (ML #3000).

Copyright (c) 1998 by The Family