         Receive this anointing that I would pour upon you! Reach out and receive it! Raise your arms and grasp it! Desire it and want it! For it is a great anointing, a new anointing, My anointing of love. How do you receive it?--Just as you would receive any gift from Me. You ask, you accept, and you believe. How do you enact it?--One step at a time in one deed of love followed by another, followed by another.
         Receive My anointing and enact it day by day, step by step, deed by deed, word by word, action by action, love by love. As you put forth an effort to give and to share and to love, I will match you abundantly, and I will pour into you a greater love, a new love, and a strengthening love.
         Therefore be not afraid, just receive. Open up and say, "Yes!" Open up and say, "I want it!" Open up and receive, and it shall bring forth fruit in your life, in the lives of those about you, and in the lives of those you see and touch, who hear the words that you give them. For this love, though seemingly small, is of great power and of great strength, and it will greatly change the world. And the children of David shall be known as the children of love (ML #2988).

Copyright (c) 1998 by The Family