(Dad:) It's really sweet, Honey, that you would share your heart about this boy that you love. It's good that you're so honest, and that you want to hear the answers and counsel. It's also very good that you've been praying and taking it to the Lord.
         Remember, He's your best friend, and He wants to hear about what's going on in your life. He wants to know how you're feeling. He wants to help you. He wants to give you all that you need, and He wants to give you
         Just remember to keep praying as you have been and looking to Jesus every step, so that He can keep your heart fixed firmly on Him, so that you don't get distracted, and your mind and heart and thoughts don't get pulled away from His work, which you know you've got to keep in first place.
         The only way you can be sure you'll be staying close to Jesus is to keep your eyes, your heart, and your mind fixed firmly on the Word and looking to Him. So if you're worried about getting off track or distracted, then there's the cure, there's the answer, there's your solution.
         Make that your first priority. Put the emphasis on Jesus and the Word, and everything else will fall into place. Then you won't have to worry about giving or showing love to others, because you'll know your priorities are in the right place, and loving others will not take away from your love for Jesus.
         How's that for a simple solution? Not too complicated, is it? Just love Jesus, love the Word, and then love others!

Copyright (c) 1998 by The Family