         Those of the world who know Me not and desire Me not, who work against Me, who oppose Me and who worship the Devil, will never have power that compares to My Word and My Spirit! Although in outward appearance their minds are intelligent, educated, witty and seem to have great ability, such strength and ability of man will not prevail in the days to come. They will look unto you, My children, and they will beg of you! They will follow you and cling to you for the strength that I will give you, for they will see that great power has been given unto you.
         If they will recognize Me as their Savior and bow down to My Name and accept My authority, then will I receive them to Myself and touch and heal the scars
of their mind and the pollution of the Enemy. But those who receive Me not, who reject Me and hate Me and fight Me, will be given over to the Enemy that he may destroy them, that they may be as he is--the Destroyer, the insane, the evil.
         I have power to restore and cleanse and keep and strengthen the minds and hearts and spirits of My children and those who call upon My Name. The power is always available, at your fingertips, and is but a thought away, but a prayer away!
         Unto all who ask, it shall be given, and those who were once weakened I am able to strengthen. Those who were once feeble and shaken I am able to strengthen and make steady. To those who doubted and wavered and were insecure, I am able to restore faith and belief and steadfastness. To those who were tormented with fear and confusion from the doubts and lies of the Enemy, I am able to give peace, faith, and a sound mind.

Copyright (c) 1998 by The Family