         Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty--liberty to proclaim the joy that you find in Me! The joy of your salvation, the joy that comes from My Word, from My Spirit and prayer, from the testimonies of your Family, from your friends. Speak one to another of these joys and of the love and the power and the liberty that My Spirit brings in your life! By so doing, you will lift many out of condemnation and fear and worry and apprehension and the many things that people fall into when they fall away from My joy and the liberty that only My Spirit can bring.
         Was not your prophet and king a man of great joy who led his children in dancing and singing and loving one another? He was continually pouring out and uplifting and caring for everyone that he met, everyone that he came in contact with, always speaking of Me and lifting Me up. So be not fearful but believing, and have joy and peace in your hearts (ML #3002).

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