(Dad:) These are important days of preparation in the Family. These are days of a real dividing of the men from the boys--to show who really is determined to go on for the Lord by faith no matter what! These are days of great decisions for the Family.
         So don't worry about it! It's in the Lord's hands and it is part of His plan. He's bringing the Family through many testings as stepping stones to the future. They are being
trained, although they probably don't see it as training!
         The Endtime days ahead are going to hold just what the Lord said they will. His powerful, meaty messages are messages the world needs to hear, and it's going to take messengers who are powerful in the Spirit to deliver them!--Those who know that their only power comes from the Lord, their only strength is in Him and His Word, and that the only way they're going to make it is just by simply hanging on to Him and continuing to have faith.
         So there is a sifting here, and a weeding of a little here and a little there. It's an important time of preparation for the battles ahead, and we're going to end up with a strong, fighting army of real warriors--strong soldiers who are willing to do anything for Jesus! We're going to be very proud of them and happy that they hung on--and there's going to be a big reward waiting for each one!
         So the messages are coming! The messages are on their way--the Family just has to be willing to be the messengers. Sounds simple enough, but it's going to be a test!

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