         Be born anew by the breath of My love! Be touched by the tenderness and the infinite understanding which I give to you without measure. Say not to yourself, "Because of these difficulties I have no love." Doubt not in your heart that I love you. For when you come to Me, you must believe that I will reward you as you diligently seek Me. For as My Son, Jesus, has said to you that His yoke is easy and His burden is light, even so will I lift your burden and I will make light the weight which sits upon you.
         Yet you have a responsibility in all this--to put forth the effort of a believing will. If you can in your last breath say only, "Lord, I believe--help Thou mine unbelief," I will answer this prayer, and I will fill you and nourish you and bring you up to know a greater love (ML #2985).

Copyright (c) 1998 by The Family