         I work in the lives of many and influence them to accomplish the purposes that I wish to bring forth. The Evil One also works in the lives of people to accomplish the purposes that
he wishes to bring forth. Thus My children should pray for kings and magistrates, for rulers, so that My influence upon them will be greater and that they will accomplish the things that I choose for them to do.
         I work in the lives of all, but they have the majesty of choice and they are not forced to choose to do the good that I put in their hearts to do. I wish that all men would do the good things, the loving things, the kind things, the right things, the proper things; but they do not, for their hearts are evil. Nevertheless, I continue to influence them, and I speak to their hearts to show them the right things.
         I work in their lives and engineer the situations around them, so that they might choose to do the right things, and they are judged according to the choices that they make. I influence their hearts and lives in such a way that they know what is right, and then they choose. But because the heart of man is evil, and because of the influence of Satan, they often choose to do those things which are against My will.
         If they continue to reject that which I show them through their conscience and through the circumstances that surround them, they close themselves off to My voice and to seeing the influences that I place about them. Nevertheless, I still speak and I still show them.

Copyright (c) 1998 by The Family