         In My Kingdom, in the life to come, you will not be rewarded according to the gifts that you were given, but according to your faithfulness, your yieldedness, and your fruitfulness. Each one will be rewarded according to that which he received from My hand, and that which he returned unto My hand in the way of diligence, faithfulness, fruitfulness, and obedience.
         The gifts and talents that a man has are nothing of himself--they are gifts from My hand. Therefore glory not in your gifts and talents, but give Me the glory. Seek diligently and wholeheartedly to do your best with what you have been given, knowing that I will reward you accordingly for a job well done.
         I will reward you both in this life and in the life to come. In this life I will give you your heart's desires, and in the life to come I will crown you with a crown of glory!

Copyright (c) 1998 by The Family