(To be filled out and signed by new disciples and Fellow Members changing to CM upon moving into a Charter Member Home.)

I, ________________________________________, born ____/____/___, citizen of __________________________, on this the _______(day) of ___________ (month) of ______ (year), being of legal age and sound mind, do hereby declare the following to be my personal assets:

I make this declaration with the understanding that if I choose not to join the Family before I have completed my six months babes basic training, or fulfilled the requirements for Fellow Members Returning to Charter Member Status, that I can take these assets with me upon departing from my Home if I so choose. I also declare that if after my six months or babes training I choose to become a Charter Member of the Family, and am accepted by a simple majority of my Home, that I will work out an agreement with my Home as to which of my personal possessions I would be permitted to take with me should I leave the Home. In accordance with Acts 2:44-45 I declare that I will willingly give and share of my possessions with others as they have need, as outlined in the Statement of Commitment for New Disciples.

Signed: __________________________
Witness: __________________________

Copyright (c) 1998 by The Family