Following are meanings of some of the more difficult or technical words used in the Charter and the "Fundamental Family Rules." The definition of each word or term is according to its usage in this publication, and does not include
other possible uses.

         adhere (v)--to hold closely or firmly to
         admonish (v)--to advise a person about his faults or warn about something so that he may be guided to improve
         admonishment (n)--a gentle but earnest reproof or warning
         allocate (v)--to set apart for a special purpose; designate
         ambiguity (n)--lack of clarity; vagueness; uncertainty; able to be understood in more than one way
         amend (v)--to change for the better; improve
         annul (v)--to cancel; abolish; do away with
         apportion (v)--to divide and give out in fair shares
         appropriate (adj)--suitable for a particular person, condition, occasion or place; fitting; (v) to take possession of; seize
         aptitude (n)--natural tendency or talent; ability; special fitness
         arbitrate (v)--to give a decision; mediate; judge
         arbitration (n)--the settlement of a matter by someone chosen to be the judge or mediator
         ascertain (v)--to find out for certain; make sure of; determine
         audit (n)--an examination of records or financial accounts; (v) to officially check records or financial accounts
         auspices (n)--protection or support; helpful influences
autonomy (n)--independence; self-government
awry (adv)--wrong; out of order
bona fide (adj)--genuine; without deceit or fraud
coerce (v)--to force to act or think in a certain way by use of pressure, threats or intimidation
collectively (adv)--as a group; all together
compatibility (n)--the ability to get along well together; agreement; harmony
compel (v)--to force, drive or constrain; to necessitate or pressure by force; to exert a strong irresistible force on
consecration (n)--dedication to God
contemplative (adj)--deeply thoughtful; reflective; given to prayer or study
contravene (v)--to oppose; act in defiance of; violate
convene (v)--to meet for some purpose; gather in one place; assemble
countermand (v)--to cancel or reverse (a previously issued order or command)
criterion (n)--a rule or standard for making a judgement
de facto--actually existing, whether enacted into law or not, whether intended or not
debilitating (adv)--making weak or feeble
debt (n)--something owed to another, which is overdue
deem (v)--to have an opinion; think, believe or consider
defame (v)--speak evil of; harm the reputation of; slander
deference (n)--a yielding to the judgement, opinion or wishes of another; courteous submission
demean (v)--to lower in dignity or standing
deportment (n)--the way a person acts; behavior; conduct
diatribe (n)--denunciation; speech or discussion bitterly directed against some person or thing
directive (n)--an order or instruction telling what to do, how to do it, or where to go
disband (v)--to break up; scatter
disbursal (n)--money paid out; expenditure
disregard (v)--to pay no attention or heed to; ignore
disruption (n)--an interruption or act which hinders progress or movement
disseminate (v)--to scatter widely, as in sowing seed; spread abroad; make known
enactment (n)--the putting of a law, decree or order into effect
endeavor (v)--to try hard and earnestly; make a concerted effort towards an end
endowed (v)--provided with some ability, quality or talent
ensure (v)--to make sure or certain
entails (v)--requires or imposes
errant (adj)--straying from the proper course or place; wrong; mistaken
erroneous (adj)--containing error; mistaken; incorrect; wrong
evangelism (n)--zealous preaching and dissemination of the Gospel, such as through missionary work
expenditure (n)--an expense, outlay of funds
facilitate (v)--to make easy; assist; help forward (a process)
ferret (v)--to hunt; search out; discover
flagrantly (adv)--very offensively; outrageously
frailties (n)--the condition of being weak or frail
GED--General Education Development (test), often referred to as the high school equivalency test in the U.S.
get-out (n)--Family term for outside physical exercise and recreation
harmoniously (adv)--peacefully; getting along well together
homosexual (adj)--relating to, or having a sexual orientation to persons of the same sex
illicit (adj)--not sanctioned by custom or law
impaired (v)--hurt; damaged; weakened; made worse
imperative (adj)--something that must be done; necessary; not to be avoided
incapacitation (n)--lack of ability, health or fitness
incur (v)--to bring something on oneself, such as a debt
infatuated (adj)--having an exaggerated fondness or passion; foolishly in love; adoring
infringe (v)--to transgress or exceed the limits of; violate
insure (v)--to cover with insurance
integral (adj)--essential; necessary to make something complete
interim (adj)--temporary; for the meantime; provisional
jeopardy (n)--the risk of loss; danger
jurisdiction (n)--authority; power; control; the right to give out justice
just cause--presentation of reasonable grounds and rationale for a proposed action
liability (n)--money owed which you promise to pay back over time, at a certain rate every month or time period
liquidating (v)--converting into cash by selling
logistical (adj)--having to do with the planning or carrying out of some movement or process
mandate (n)--an authoritative command or instructions; (v) to command
mete out (v)--distribute; give to each what is due him
mores (n)--the accepted traditional customs and rules of a particular social group
myriad (n) a very great number; (adj) countless; innumerable
objective (adj)--uninfluenced by emotion or personal prejudice; (n) goal; something worked toward
obligation (n)--a duty arising from a contract, promise, social or moral tie
orchestrate (v)--to arrange or control the elements of
overhead (n)--general expenses including rent, utilities and repairs
paramount (adj)--of chief concern or importance
persistent (adj)--persevering obstinately
precarious (adj)--dangerous; risky; not safe or secure
prerogative (n)--an exclusive right or privilege held by a person or group, especially an official or hereditary right
privy--one who has an interest or part in any action, or is directly affected by it
procedural (adj)--of or having to do with procedure, especially legal or parliamentary
proportionate (adj)--being in due proportion or ratio
prospective (adj)--probable; expected; something that is looked forward to as likely
proxy (n)--one appointed to vote for others at a meeting
ramifications (n)--developments or consequences growing out of and sometimes complicating a problem, plan or statement
ratify (v)--to confirm; approve; authorize
rebuke (v)--to criticize or reprove sharply
rectify (v)--to make right; change; adjust
redress (v)--to set right; remedy or rectify; the satisfaction for wrong or injury
relinquish (v)--to give up; let go; release
reprimand (n)--a severe, formal, or official rebuke
reside (v)--to live in a place permanently, or for an extended period
revamp (v)--patch up; repair; take apart and put together in a new form
revoke (v)--to void or annul by recalling, withdrawing or reversing
rudimentary (adj)--elementary; basic; of or relating to basic facts or principles
sanctity (n)--sacredness; holiness of life
scenario (n)--the outline of a situation, giving the main facts
schism (n)--a discord or breach between persons or things, especially within a religious body
self-determination (n)--determination of one's own fate or course of action without compulsion
siblings (n)--brothers and/or sisters
stipulations (n)--arrangements or conditions in an agreement
subjective (adj)--personal; particular to an individual, or dependent upon his feelings
succinctly (adv)--expressed briefly and clearly; in a few words
suspend (v)--to stop or interrupt for a time period; to remove for a time from some privilege or job
tender (v)--to formally offer
tenet of faith--an opinion, doctrine or principle held as being true by a person or an organization
therapeutic (adj)--curative; having to do with the treating of a disease or sickness
veto (n)--the right or power of one branch of government to refuse approval of measures proposed by another branch, especially the power of the chief executive
volition (n)--the act of willing; decision or choice
waive (v)--to give up (a claim or right) voluntarily; do without; relinquish
warranted (adj)--having a good and sufficient reason for an action or belief
wayward (adj)--turning from the right way; disobedient; willful
windfall (n)--a sudden, unexpected piece of good fortune or personal gain
zealous (adj)--actively enthusiastic; eager; earnest; full of zeal

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