LC: <<[New]>> 61. PROPHECY RULES

A. Family members have the final decision as to whether or not to implement the guidance given to them through prophecies received, either by themselves or through others, which will affect their lives or the lives of their children.
         Using the gift of prophecy to help find the Lord's will is a great blessing. As with all prophecies, what the Lord says in prophecy to those seeking guidance in personal matters should be prayerfully interpreted. Whether or not to implement what the Lord has shown is completely up to the individual(s) the prophecies were given for.
         Mama, our "Winetaster," has approved all prophecies that appear in a WS publication. WS leadership believes and supports and follows the prophecies they send out in the pubs as the Word of God, and encourage all Family members to also believe, support and follow them to the best of their ability and according to their faith.

B. A Home policy or decision that is given in or confirmed by prophecy, must be voted upon and agreed to by the Home's voting members, just like other Home policies or decisions.
         Before implementing a major directional prophecy received for your Home, the voting members must be convinced that it is the Lord's will. The decision would require a simple majority unless it's a financial matter or other decision which the Charter requires a two-thirds majority vote on. If such a matter brings about some confusion or conflict within the Home, the Home should seek the Lord for further confirmation. If further prayer and discussion together and a Home vote can't sort it out, the prophecy should be passed on to your area or continental office for their judgment.

1. Family members or Homes must not implement any prophecies that they receive which contradict the "Charter of Responsibilities and Rights" or the "Fundamental Family Rules," unless they have first obtained WS leadership permission to do so.
         If, for instance, a Home receives a prophecy that they are to increase the membership of their Home to 100 members, or if a Charter member received a prophecy that they were supposed to have sex with a non-Charter Member, they must first obtain WS leadership permission before doing so, since this would be contravening the Charter.

2. In accordance with the Responsibilities of WS Leadership, B. 1., any new revelatory or directional prophecy received by a Family member must be approved by Mama and Peter and officially and expressly disseminated by WS as such before it would be considered a fundamental Family belief.
         Any major changes in our fundamental Family rules or beliefs will be presented and confirmed in the GNs by Mama, our "Winetaster." (See "Three Gifts of the Lord's Love!," ML #3005:106-129, GN 647, Lifelines 22.)

C. Have the final decision as to whether or not to implement the guidance given to them through prophecies received, either by themselves or through others, which will affect their lives or the lives of their children.
         If a prophecy is given for a voting member or their children, the decision to implement or not implement the prophecy is completely up to them. (See also Basic Rights of Individual Members, C.)
         The member should seek the counsel of others who are gifted in interpreting prophecy, when trying to find the meaning of the prophecy. Both the person and those helping with the interpretation should set aside their own opinions, desires and plans and be open to what the Lord has said, but ultimately the decision is up to the individual(s).
         Using the gift of prophecy to help find the Lord's will is a great blessing. As with all prophecies, prophecies received for those seeking guidance should be prayerfully interpreted. Whether or not to implement what the Lord has shown is completely up to the individual(s) they were given for.
         Before implementing the directions of a prophecy received by you or given to you through someone else, you must be convinced that it is the Lord's will for you, and test the prophecy against the other ways to know God's will. You should not let someone pressure you or coerce you through prophecy, or any other means, into doing something which you are not convinced is the Lord's will for you. The Lord expects each one to make the final choice as to what His will is for them.
         Also, in order to clarify how directional prophecies given for a Home are to be judged and interpreted, see the explanation under Rights of the Charter Home, A.

         "Prophecy is only one of the ways that we should use to find God's will. It is not the only way and should not be relied on exclusively. The Word, Godly counsel and the other ways of finding God's will should still be used. The main thing to remember is that in decision-making you must pray and desperately seek the Lord and use all the available means, including prophecy, to find His will" (ML #3019:50, GN 655).

Copyright (c) 1998 by The Family