The Charter Home:

A. Abides by the minimum personnel requirements, in accordance with the Home Size Rules, A. in the "Fundamental Family Rules."

God bless you and help you to get it together in real unity--of one mind, one heart, one spirit, one body, one wife, a real cooperative Home with two or three loving couples together--working together, traveling together, serving together, sharing together, helping together, litnessing and witnessing together and really organized together in unity serving the Lord, helping each other. There's strength in unity!--Such a strength, such a bond, such a wonderful fellowship when you're all really one in the Lord and one in His fellowship and one in His service, one in His Word! (ML #1056:86).

B. Does not exceed maximum personnel limits, in accordance with the Home Size Rules published in the "Fundamental Family Rules."

         A small Colony of only half-a-dozen [adults, plus their children] can in some cases be even more effective and less trouble, less expense, safer and more mobile [than a larger Colony/ Home] and still contain all the necessary personnel and essential gifts needed in a small Colony, and is much easier to transport, house, feed, equip and care for (ML #329B:30).
         Medium-sized Co-ops are very advantageous!--Not the gigantic monstrosities, the horrible blobs of hundreds of members which we used to have--but I would say that Co-ops consisting of certainly two or more couples with their children are very advantageous when there are four or five or six adults who can have a number of different responsibilities, plus perhaps an equal or greater number of children (ML #1368:29).

C. Does not allow anyone to reside in the Home who is not a Charter Member or authorized guest.

1. A Charter Family Home may stay with non-Charter members for up to 30 days, and no more than 30 days in any 60-day period.

a) The continental office may grant exceptions if they feel it is warranted.
         The sub-clause also covers a situation when a Family friend or relative might invite an entire Home to live in his house with him, perhaps while the Home is in transition between moves, or on a special witnessing mission or whatever. A Home may do so for up to 30 days without CRO permission. The CRO may allow a Home to remain
longer than 30 days if they feel it is warranted. In such a case the Home is responsible to maintain the security of their Charter pubs and other Family materials.
         This clause does
not cover a Charter Member visiting relatives. The amount of time a Charter Member would remain with relatives depends, among other things, on the reason he is visiting them. The member and his Home prior to the visit should agree upon the timetable for such visits. The Home would then continue to report him as a member of their Home on their TRF. If the member does not return by the agreed-upon time, without suitable explanation, the Home would then remove the member from the population stats of the Home.

2. Non-Charter visitors may stay in a Charter Family Home for up to 30 days.

a) The continental office may grant exceptions in extraordinary circumstances.

b) Overnight non-Charter visitors who are minors must either accompany their parents or guardians or have written permission from a parent or legal guardian.
         The Home can allow Fellow Members, as well as non-Family visitors, to stay in the Home for up to 30 days; beyond that would require CRO permission. Due to legal reasons, any minors who are not Charter Members who stay overnight without their parents must have written permission from their parent(s) or guardian(s).
         Of course, the decision on who is allowed to stay in the Home as a visitor and for how long would be decided by a Home vote after prayerful consideration. Such visitors must
not be permitted access to Charter pubs.

         We cannot accept underage children without written, and preferably notarized permission (ML #124:8).

3. Teenagers who are no longer Charter Family Members, may, with approval of a majority of the Home's voting members and permission from their continental office, continue to temporarily reside in a Charter Home on guest status, provided they adhere to the following rules:
Refrain from activities that would reflect negatively on the Family, such as shoplifting.
         Keep a clean and presentable appearance.
         No smoking in the Home or on the property.
         No substance abuse or use of illicit or illegal drugs.
         No carrying weapons such as guns or knives with large blades.
         No drinking for minors, or above the alcohol quota for those over 18, while in the Home.
         No cursing or using foul language in the Home.
         No violent behavior or harming of animals, humans or property.
         No sexual activity with Charter Members.
         No homosexual activities.
         No continual public expression of criticism of the Family, the Word, or Family leadership.
         No audible system music in communal areas of the Home.
         No ungodly videos or TV viewing in communal areas of the Home, including their bedroom if shared with others.
         No ungodly books in public areas of the Home.
         Not eligible for CM or CM/FM lit, unless the parents or teamwork wish to read certain Letters with him or her.
         Must abide by all other rules or regulations set down for them by the Home council.

         A Home cannot allow someone on guest status who is not a Charter Member to live in the Home permanently or for an extended period of time. However, exceptions can be granted by the CROs in the case where teens who have left the Family are temporarily living with their parents or other CM adults in order to help prepare them for life outside the Family, make the transition as smooth as possible, and help them get properly situated elsewhere. If the teens are not of legal age they might have to remain in the Home for a considerable amount of time until they are old enough to move out on their own.
         These non-CM Family teens should not be reported as Charter Members on the Home's TRF, but a formal request should be sent with the TRF seeking approval from the CRO Office for the non-Charter member to remain in the Home. They are
not eligible to read the Home's CM mailings, have any sexual activity with Charter Members, etc.
         Those non-Charter members will not need to meet CM requirements, such as witnessing hours or other responsibilities of Charter Members on the HSEC. They must, however, agree to not break any of the rules listed above as well as any other rules or requirements set down for them to obey by their parents and the Home council of the Home in which they are residing.

D. Fulfills all sections of the Responsibilities of the Charter Home.
         The next four sections of the Charter list all of the Responsibilities of the Charter Home. Any Home that does not fulfill these responsibilities is in jeopardy of being placed on Probationary Notice, and ultimately its members could lose their Charter Member status.

Copyright (c) 1998 by The Family