12 Foundation Stones – Study Notes for Class 10B ----------------- Getting Results ----------------- Witnessing, Part 2 -> Target: Lead people to Jesus! -------------------------------------- Key Verses -------------------------------------- Proverbs 11:30 - The fruit of the righteous is a tree of life, and he who wins souls is wise. Matthew 4:19 - Then He said to them, "Follow Me, and I will make you fishers of men." Daniel 12:3 - Those who are wise shall shine like the brightness of the firmament, and those who turn many to righteousness like the stars forever and ever. -------------------------------------- Suggested Bible Reading -------------------------------------- <> Look up and mark in your Bible the Scriptures in the two classes on witnessing. Other Recommended Reading <> Discovering Truth - Bible Basics: "Witnessing" -------------------------------------- Prayer and Praise: For Our Loved Ones to Know the Lord -------------------------------------- Dear Jesus, I come before You now for my (husband, wife, children, family, friends). I am enjoying getting to know You, Lord, and I know that they need You too. I want them to be satisfied with Your love, to find Your love and Your joy and happiness. Help me to reach their hearts through my words and example, but most of all, I ask that You be with them through the times of difficulty and please bring them close to You. Help them to look to You for their help and their comfort, and to come to know You. -------------------------------------- Meditation: Steps to Salvation -------------------------------------- Why angels can't do the job: There are a lot of people who need to know Jesus, but why do we have to tell them? Why doesn't the Lord just send around some spirits and angels and let them tell them? Well, if instead of us going to talk to them, the Lord sent down a bunch of angels and ghosts, there wouldn't be any quicker way of emptying the street of anyone left to witness to! They'd be too scared to stay around! Or the people might say, "Well, now let's face it, you spirits and angels: You don't have the same problems as I have, and you don't realize what I'm up against. It might work for you, but that doesn't necessarily mean that it's going to work for me!" Can you see God's logic in taking other human beings to be His witnesses? You're the test tube to prove it works, right? You're His proof! Somebody's got to be here in the flesh to meet and talk to the people and tell them the truth of God and show them His love. -------------------------------------- Entering into another's labors: -------------------------------------- A person's salvation is the result of many things and many ways the Lord has already worked in their life. We may just be one in a succession of people who have tried to get through to them. We have a small part in their salvation, along with others who have also had a part in preparing the person by perhaps being a sample of love and concern, by sharing the Word personally, or giving him a tract, or poster, or preaching on a Christian TV program that he has watched. All these are things the Lord may have used. So we can't take the glory and say we were the ones who did it! It's your job to do whatever you can for them, and the Lord will reward you for your faithfulness, whether it is just giving them the Word or whether it's praying with them to receive the Lord. You don't get more credit for one than the other. You just get credit for your faithfulness in obeying and doing what you can for the Lord. -------------------------------------- Putting the Word into Action: Key Verses to Use in Witnessing -------------------------------------- Key salvation verses Mark these verses in your Bible and memorize those you do not know already. <> Romans 3:23; Ephesians 2:8–9; John 3:16, 1:12; Revelation 3:20; John 3:36; Romans 10:9,10 -------------------------------------- Typical questions, with Scripture answers <> I am basically a good person, why do I need Jesus? John 3:16; 10:10b. <> Why Jesus? What about others, like Buddha, Confucius etc.? Acts 4:12; John 14:6. <> Can't I get to Heaven through my good deeds? Ephesians 2:8–9; Titus 3:5. <> If I have Jesus in my heart, then am I free to do as I please? Acts 17:30; James 2:8; 1 Corinthians 10:23; 6:20. <> If there is a God, how come I have so many problems? Psalm 34:19; 1 Corinthians 10:13; Romans 8:28. <> I did something very bad! Would God forgive me? Hebrews 8:12; Psalm 103:12. <> How can you prove the existence of God? Psalm 19:1; Romans 1:20. <> Why do I have to receive Jesus? John 1:12; Revelation 3:20. <> Can I lose salvation if I am bad? Psalm 37:24; John 6:37. <> What or Who is God? John 4:24; 1 John 4:8. <> What about the Ten Commandments? Matthew 22:37–40. <> Why should I love others if they don't love me? 1 John 4:11; Romans 5:5. ----------------------- Supplementary Reading ----------------------- How to Be an Effective Witness -- Summary Proverbs 11:30 - The fruit of the righteous is a tree of life, and he who wins souls is wise. <> If your life is full of the Lord, it will flow out on others. You will naturally talk about what you believe in: John 3:11; Acts 4:20. <> If you have the love of Jesus you cannot hide it! Matthew 5:14–16. <> Be sold on the product! 2 Corinthians 4:13; Psalm 107:2. <> Fill your heart beforehand Prepare to give answers by studying the Word beforehand: 2 Timothy 2:15; 1 Peter 3:15. If you're full of the Lord's love, His Spirit, His Word, and you want to really get it across, when you open your mouth He'll fill it, and it will come right out of your heart: Matthew 12:34. <> It's the Holy Spirit that wins! Isaiah 55:11; John 10:3–4. <> You don't have to know all the answers! - Jesus is the Answer! You can give them your own testimony; you can tell them what the Lord has done in your life. (See all of John chapter 9, especially verse 25.) <> Just preach Jesus! <> Answer sincere questions honestly and show those who are really interested the truth. But beware of those who ask questions, not because they want the answer, but because they're only trying to trap you: Luke 11:53–54. See also: 2 Timothy 2:23; Titus 3:9. <> The printed Word - giving out literature Don't underestimate the power of the printed Word! Try to have a selection of tracts with you at all times. See Psalm 119:105. <> Be a sample of love Your personal example is an important aspect of your witness that will help to win others: Philippians 2:15–16a; 1 Timothy 4:12b; 2 Corinthians 3:2; Titus 2:7–8; John 13:35. <> Jesus' main message was His sample of love! By His example of kindness, His example of concern for the people, they knew that He must have something that was real and genuine and that love does exist and God does exist. We should endeavor to follow His example: John 13:15; Romans 2:21–24. <> Don't forget that part of your sample is the joy of the Lord! Portray the Lord as He is - a happy God, Who loves and rejoices in love and happiness. A joyful countenance helps to win others. <> When samples speak louder than sermons People must learn to love you first before they can learn to love your God! The world-famed personal evangelist Dr. Dwight L. Moody used to say that, "The only Bible the World reads is bound in shoe leather!" - Meaning you! <> Relating and adapting In winning people, you have to inspire their faith in you before they can believe God: John 13: 20. You need to establish points of contact with them. James 1:5; Proverbs 11:30. One of the most needed abilities in witnessing is adaptability. See 1 Corinthians 9:20–22. <> Don't give up! We can't always expect to be the sowers and the reapers, because the Lord said that some sow and some water, but God gives the increase (1 Corinthians 3:6). ------------------------------------------ Food for Thought: His Healing Touch A testimony of the results of praying for those you meet! From Thomas, England One Friday evening I was going door to door in our neighborhood, introducing people to our Family literature and audio and video materials, when I met Anne. As we were talking, Anne suddenly cried out in pain. My reflex reaction was to offer to pray for her immediate healing, but she said she didn't believe in God and didn't wish to pray. Before I left I told her that my wife, Rose, and I would pray for her later that evening, which we did. When I visited her again on Sunday evening, she said that the pain she had been having for 18 weeks had ceased on Saturday morning. During that visit, her two sons prayed with me to receive Jesus as their Savior. I visited her again on Thursday, and she was in good health. She had already begun telling her family and friends that Jesus had healed her, in answer to our prayers. Having experienced a special touch of His love and healing power, she was eager to meet the Great Physician and found that He was only a prayer away! 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