Power and Protection!--Part 21

Thrilling Miracles from Our Worldwide Family!!

February 1997

Copyright 1997 by The Family

9 years old and up. Selected stories may be read with younger children at the adults' discretion.)

Table of Contents:
         Saved by God Himself!    1
         The Voice That Worked a Miracle  3
         "Get Out Now!"   5
         On Wheels of Prayer      5
         His Never-Failing Protection     6
         A Refuge from the Storm!         8
         Larry's Miracle  10
         The Importance of Instant Obedience!     11
         Deliverance from Fire    11
         Not a Second Too Soon!   12

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         (Editor's note: The following thrilling, true-life accounts of the Lord's miraculous and awe-inspiring intervention have been gathered from testimonies sent in by you, our Family members around the world. Some of these accounts date to quite some time ago; others are more recent. In some cases, the article was sent in written in the dramatic style you will see below, and little editing was done by us. In other cases, we have done a bit more editing to make for exciting reading, since this was going to be a special "Power and Protection"-type issue. We hope you will have as much fun reading this as we have had preparing it for you!)

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Saved by God Himself!
"As the train began to pick up speed, I waited for death ..."
From Magda Fighter (22), Ukraine

         Right from the start I knew that this was definitely
not my day. It seemed that everything was going wrong! I looked forward to that evening, when I was to make a trip by train to Moscow.
         By the time we got in the car to leave for the train station, it was getting late. I began to worry that we wouldn't make it to the train on time. As we attempted to drive off, the car wouldn't start. Time was running out! We piled into another van, and were on our way at last. Then we missed a turn, got lost and had to go back the way we had come.
         As we drove along, others in the van tried to encourage me. They told testimonies of how they had been very late for something, and how the Lord had done a miracle and stopped the train, or the car, or whatever was needed.
         I prayed, "Lord, I'm sorry we're so late. I know that You never fail, so please do this miracle that we need so desperately: Delay the train!
Please, Lord!"
         As we pulled up to the station, I looked at the clock. It registered one minute to the train's departure. It was impossible to make it!
please!" -- And I was off, running to catch the train. My partner, Marek, ran behind me.
         By the time I reached the platform, the doors were shut and the train was already moving. The train began to speed up.
         "No! It can't be! Jesus, why don't You stop the train?" I felt so desperate, my prayer was more like screaming out to the Lord, "What's going on?! You're not supposed to fail me!"
         I don't know why, but I jumped up on to the step by the train door. Then I realized that the doors were locked, and there was nobody to let me in.
         There I was, hanging onto the door of the rapidly accelerating train. Realizing that it was no use trying to get in, I thought I'd better try and jump off. "But the ground is covered with ice," I thought to myself, with growing horror. "If I land on the ground, I'll probably slip right back onto the tracks!" But I saw no other choice.
         I started falling. Then my foot caught on the train's step, and I was pulled underneath the train. Desperately, I grabbed for something under the train. The train kept going faster.
         I banged my head, now dragging on the ground in between the train's wheels. All the other sounds disappeared in the loud noise of the train's movement. Screaming would have been of no use.
         At that moment I gave up all hope. I prayed, "Jesus, in a couple of minutes I'll be seeing You face to face. What am I going to say? What was my life worth?"
         The train was going faster and faster. The wheels were right behind my head. My long hair hung loose, and to this day I still can't understand why it didn't get caught in the fast-moving wheels.
         I waited for death. I wasn't scared, but I was
so sorry that I had not done more with my life that I had now so foolishly thrown away! If only I could have another chance! But I didn't think it was possible. It was too late.
         The thick winter jacket I was wearing shielded me from too much harm, but I knew that it wouldn't last long. My hands felt so sore and tired -- and they were
         Then suddenly the train stopped.
         I later found out that the train's conductor heard some noise at the platform, looked out and saw my boot sticking out from under the train. He pulled the emergency brake.
         This whole ordeal lasted just a few minutes. I expected to be badly injured, but to everyone's amazement, I was almost completely whole. -- I just had a few scratches and bruises!
         "She was saved by God Himself," the conductor said, in awe. Everyone looked at me in shock.
         Then I saw Marek. He had no idea what had just happened to me, since he had just stopped when he saw the train moving. Not knowing where I had disappeared to, he had gone looking for me. Then he heard the people screaming, "A girl fell under the train!" -- But he didn't even imagine that it could be me! Then the train stopped, and there I was.
         We were able to board the train, and the next morning arrived safely in Moscow.
         Thinking back on what happened that day, it's almost hard to believe that it really happened to me. I used to be one of those people who excitedly read about amazing miracles of the Lord's protection, all the while thinking, "Wow! That's great, but it could never happen to
         But it
did happen to me.
         I know there was an angel with me that day. I didn't see him, but I know it's true. I usually don't stay calm when something traumatic happens. That time I wasn't scared. And I wasn't alone. This is why I was still unhurt after hanging under a moving train for a few minutes.
         There were many different lessons I drew out of this experience. But the most amazing thing for me was the absolutely undeserved, wonderful mercy the Lord had on me. He not only saved my life; He didn't even let me get hurt! All my bruises were healed up within a week.
         Now I know for sure that my life does not belong to me. Even if it was mine once upon a time, I foolishly threw it away. Yet the Lord took it into His hands and gave it back to me, and now I belong to Him!

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The Voice That Worked a Miracle
"From within the burning car I could hear a woman's voice, 'Help me! Oh please, help me!'"
From Philip Martin, Germany

         In the '70s, when I was visiting my mom in the States, I borrowed her car to go visit a Christian family who had been friends and supporters of ours.
         On the way home, I came to a point where I needed to change from one freeway to another. It was a very awkward place in which, for lack of space, there was no proper entrance ramp, but rather only a tiny loop. For anyone to cross over, the traffic needed to come to a full stop, and then, when there was a break in the oncoming traffic, cars would enter directly into the traffic lanes. In short, it was a very dangerous place, and normally required a fairly long wait to get through.
         On this balmy summer day, things didn't look too bad. There were only two vehicles waiting in front of me -- a big tractor-trailer truck, and a yellow VW bug.
         The traffic cleared briefly, and the truck slowly started out onto the empty highway -- apparently not quickly enough for the driver of the VW however, who entered the highway at the same time, going into the left lane.
         Now it was my turn. I began to push the gas pedal to enter the freeway myself, but as I did, I heard a voice. Just to my right, above my head, I heard something,
Wait! Don't go!
         Surprised, I took my foot off the gas pedal. In the next two or three seconds, I saw the reason for my mysterious and urgent instruction: A big wave of tightly-packed, fast-moving traffic, which hadn't been visible before, now appeared over the slight rise of the highway.
         All the traffic had to brake desperately, trying to avoid the still slow-moving truck and car which had entered the highway. A big tanker truck couldn't stop fast enough. It hit and ran up onto the back of the first car, which was trying frantically to avoid hitting the danger ahead. The car's gas tank ruptured from the impact and the gas ignited from the sparks caused by the cars grinding against the guardrail.
         Flames engulfed the car. Gasoline poured onto the highway all around the car, in streams of burning fire.
         I watched these events unfold before my eyes, almost as though in slow motion. I knew that if I had entered the highway when it was my turn, I would have been right in the middle of it.
         I suddenly thought of the person in the burning car. Was there a chance that this person had survived? What should I do?
         First I moved my car off the road onto the grass, to get it out of the way.
         Then I began to cautiously approach the burning car. The fire was a formidable obstacle! But through the flames and burning heat which surrounded it, I could hear a woman's voice crying out, "Help me! Oh please, help me!"
         By now, all the traffic from both directions had stopped, and many people stood by their cars, watching. But no one was making any move toward helping the lady in the burning car. A policeman even stood by, looking, but not moving.
         Everyone was gripped by the same fear: "This burning car is gonna 'blow'!" Wasn't that what always happened on TV?
         At first I thought the same thing. Then it was suddenly clear to me: No, it
wasn't going to blow up! The gas tank was already split open! It could only burn furiously, but not blow up.
         Now I was determined to try to help that woman, even if no one else did. I continued toward the car. The windows were already turning brown, and the green paint of the doors was becoming a reddish-gold brown. Above the car was a column of fire, swirling like a little tornado and capped by a cloud of black smoke. I think it was the most horrible scene I had ever experienced in my life. The worst part was that everyone seemed to be held fast, gripped with fear.
         I had no idea how, but I knew I
had to get the woman out. I grasped the door handle of the car and pulled on it. My fingers were immediately burned white. But the door wouldn't open. It was bent and stuck. I started to panic. What could I do? My hand hurt badly and I couldn't save the woman!
         As I was forced to retreat, to my relief I saw that a truck driver and another man, encouraged by my example, went and successfully rescued the woman, alive. My own hand also completely healed up within a week.
         I never heard a voice like that before or since, but I guess it wasn't necessary except for that time. It sure got my attention! It saved my life and someone else's too! "And ye shall hear a Voice beside thee saying, 'This is the way; walk ye in it!'"

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"Get Out Now!"
"As she moved towards the door to leave the public bathroom, the door to one of the stalls swung open ..."
From Rosemarie, Gabriel, Miguel and Cherish, Hungary

         As we have only three men in the Home and 13 women, our girls sometimes have to go out witnessing without a male partner. One witnessing day two girls, M. and L., were returning home, when they stopped at a McDonalds to use the bathroom.
         Before they entered the building, they noticed a certain man behind them, who followed them as they went down the stairs to use the bathroom. L. waited upstairs for M. to come out.
         As M. was using the bathroom, she was suddenly struck by the song that was playing over the radio loudspeakers in the building:
"Get out now, get out now, get out now!"
         She got a strong check that the Lord was using this song to tell her to get out of the bathroom, and although she was not yet done (she had still intended to wash her hands, brush her hair, etc.), she decided to leave the bathroom right away.
         She moved to leave, and as she was about to step out of the bathroom, she saw one of the bathroom stall doors opening, and out stepped the man that was following them earlier!
         M. quickly dashed out of the bathroom door, almost bumping into L., who had also gotten a check to come down to see if everything was okay. Thankful that they had obeyed God's never-failing check, they headed home. Thank You Jesus!

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On Wheels of Prayer
"Five people dismounted from the bus that blocked our way, angrily wielding bats and heading straight for us!"
From teen Katrina, Mexico

         The angel of the Lord encamps around about those who fear Him, and delivereth them" (Psalm 34:7). God had done just that for our four-man road team:
         Arriving at the bus station, we were all eagerly looking forward to an exciting witnessing adventure in a nearby town. After we talked to the manager of the bus line, he graciously agreed to a 50 percent discount and we were on our way.
         After seating ourselves comfortably on the bus, we had prayer for a safe trip. Gazing about us, we noticed we were the only passengers.
         We had been traveling about an hour when we passed a bus from another line, an ordinary occurrence here in Mexico. But strangely enough, about ten minutes later the same bus pulled out from behind us and stopped horizontally directly in front of us, obstructing our way!
         Immediately five people, including the bus driver, clambered out of that second bus, wielding bats and angrily heading straight for us! To our astonishment they started violently banging on the front of our bus, even disconnecting the antenna for the CB.
         Quite upset, our conductor hastily discarded his suit jacket and tie with the intent of beating off these attackers. By this time we were desperate.
         Everything had happened so fast, and yet we knew we had to do something quickly to help the situation -- a potentially very dangerous scenario. Quickly we gathered together and prayed fervently for the Lord's protection and guidance.
         First we tried to calm down the bus driver and conductor. We approached them, explaining that we were Christians and that we believed that the Lord would protect us. We said that for them to get out of the bus and fight would only end up in someone getting hurt. To our relief, they calmed down and decided it would be a good idea to just wait in the bus until the assailants went away.
         We kept on praying -- out loud this time in Spanish, while the bus driver and conductor looked on, quite amazed at what they were seeing.
         Within a few minutes the angry mob returned to their bus and proceeded to leave. We heaved sighs of relief, all very thankful for the Lord's wonderful protection. It was over -- or at least so we thought.
         However, moving on down the road, the other bus continued to stay only a short distance in front of us, every now and then stopping suddenly, as if trying to cause an accident.
         We appealed to our bus driver, asking him to take a different road, even if it meant reaching our destination later.
         "Our lives," we explained, "are much more valuable than time."
         God bless him, he took the next turn to another road.
         Arriving at the bus station, we were asked to give a full report of the incident to the police, including any damage done to the bus.
         Miraculously, even though the windshield was cracked, the side mirrors were broken, the CB antenna was broken, and the front of the bus was smashed up pretty bad, we were all completely unharmed.
         We seized the opportunity to witness to the police and managers of the Lord's protection. Afterwards the driver and conductor humbly prayed with us to receive the Lord.
         We had learned a big lesson: to stay on guard at all times. Not even while traveling can we afford to sit back and relax, without staying alert in spirit. We also learned that as one of His children, every situation can indeed be a wonderful opportunity to testify of His Love and Salvation to others.
         The bus drivers were astounded at what they saw -- a living testimony to the power of prayer and His miraculous protection!

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His Never-Failing Protection
From Sweety de Papa, Mexico

         While out witnessing one day, I was standing next to a parked car when all of a sudden, the car's radiator blew up. Boiling hot water spewed out onto me, burning me all over! I didn't see how I could possibly wind up without scars.
         After the initial shock, and praying desperately that the Lord would keep me through this painful experience, I ended up walking away, unmarked, as if
nothing had happened!
         The owner of the car was awed, and we helped him to see that it was only the miracle-working power of Jesus that had saved me! Thank You Lord!
         From David (16, of Kanti and Zena), India
         While on a road trip in Goa, another teen boy, an adult and myself were driving along one evening in a jeep that we had rented. At one point driving along, we realized that we needed to turn around, in order to go the opposite direction.
         The road was very narrow at that point, too narrow to make a u-turn. We saw a clearing and turned off there. But we then found out that it was nothing but sand! The jeep was stuck fast.
         For half an hour we did everything that we could think of, trying to pull the jeep out. But the more we tried, the deeper the wheels sank into the sand.
         Desperate, we asked for the Lord's help to get us out of the sand and back on the road.
         Shortly after our prayer, an elderly Scottish couple passed by. Seeing that our jeep was stuck in the sand, they called, "Do you need any help?"
         They were very friendly and seemed to know a lot about cars. They decided that us boys (including the elderly man) should all lift the side of the jeep, and the woman would push a wooden plank under the tire.
         With this elderly man's help, lifting the jeep was so easy! -- While we had struggled in vain to do the same thing not long before! The woman slipped the plank under the tire, and the jeep pulled straight out on to the road.
         The elderly couple said goodbye and walked right off -- almost like angels! This miracle encouraged us all, and really boosted my faith!
         From Dust and Heidi, Italy
         For the last year, every Wednesday afternoon around 4 o'clock, we have gone to pick up food donated to us by a Catholic food center.
         One Wednesday morning, for no apparent reason I felt very strongly that Dust should make his regular pickup in the
morning, rather than the afternoon. Though we didn't really see any reason for it, Dust went ahead that morning.
         Not long after, we got a call from the lady in charge of the food center. We listened with bated breath as she told us that that same afternoon -- at 4 o'clock -- a big accident had occurred right in the place where we always park. Four people had been killed when a huge, heavy elevator that was being used to repair the building came crashing to the ground, crushing the car underneath. Thank the Lord for giving us that strong check to not go at our usual time!
         From Steven and Emily, USA
         We received the Lord's mercy and protection in a special way! We had taken our bus to get the engine checked, and were then ready to travel down the highway to another town. As we were just about to pull out of the garage, our teen son went to check the lugs on the wheels, and found that a few were loose.
         When Steven went to tighten them up,
nine of the lugs broke off!
         Thank the Lord that He had called it to our attention, as had we pulled out to the expressway it would have only been a matter of time before the whole wheel would have broken off. We were able to keep the bus at this garage and get the repairs done before moving on. n

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A Refuge from the Storm!

From Emmanuel, Taiwan
         Typhoon Kent was headed straight for Taiwan, and was scheduled to hit the day I was to make a trip to Hong Kong. I had only a narrow travel window and a fixed itinerary to fulfill. If delayed, I would be set back a full week, with far-reaching consequences. By the time we heard about the approaching typhoon, the day before my departure, it was too late to change the reservations anyway.
         As we gathered together to pray, the Lord gave two verses to encourage us to pray for specific results. First, we got that the Enemy was the "prince of the power of the air," and the verse about Jesus, "What manner of man is this, that even the wind and the waves obey His voice?"
         So, prayers against the typhoon were sent up. We asked the Lord to turn it away and change its course, which is exactly what happened: By the morning of my departure, instead of coming straight to Taiwan as was expected, Typhoon Kent turned west and the eye didn't even reach land here!
         But that wasn't all ...
         I proceeded on to Hong Kong, and had a smooth flight. This in itself was another miracle, as on my last two trips I had experienced very severe turbulence, and just a week earlier, 45 people had been rushed to hospital after sustaining injuries from turbulence on that same scheduled flight! However, now we found out that Typhoon Kent was scheduled to move on to
Hong Kong and hit there head on! Kent had by now intensified into a very dangerous storm!
         So, although the Lord had answered prayers and made it possible to accomplish the journey to Hong Kong, the same typhoon was now threatening to disrupt, delay, and hinder things anyway by closing up everything in Hong Kong for a day or two. Then the weekend would have made it impossible to accomplish most things that had been planned. We were almost back to square one!
         So, more prayers were sent up.
         Hong Kong braced itself. Typhoon warning signal no. 8 (the highest storm warning) went up and everything closed down, but by then we were holed up in our hotel, having done all we could in the morning hours that day.
         Then, unexpectedly, the storm again changed direction, turned north and hit the mainland before reaching Hong Kong. It then went
around Hong Kong to the north!
         Hong Kong got a little wind and rain in the afternoon and into the evening, but by the next morning everything was back to normal, and we went about our business unhindered!
         A short while later (back in Taiwan), we heard that Typhoon Ryan was due to arrive on a day that we had scheduled a special Family Day excursion outing. This typhoon was predicted as the strongest in the last 17 years, and it was to hit the western coast of the island. -- With no mountain shield to take the brunt of the power-packed winds, this meant high predicted losses to the country and widespread damage. We prayed and asked the Lord what we should do, and received, "Proceed as if possessing," and other things along that line, such as "As they went they were healed," "Walk by faith and not by sight," etc.
         This really was a test of our faith, as all the weather updates confirmed its course, danger and size. Government offices and schools all shut down in foreboding preparation.
         That night, however, the typhoon changed course and turned east, out to sea, and again the eye didn't even touch land! We had a bright, sunny day to set off on our planned trip, thank You Jesus!

From Paul, Mary, Teresa, Suzy, Ezra and Maggie, Japan
         An incredibly huge thunderstorm hit our area of Tokyo. This was the biggest storm that any of us had ever experienced, and the time between the lightning and thunder was virtually nonexistent! Torrential rains accompanied by a continual barrage of thunder and lightning crashed around us for two or three hours. At one point, it seemed like the lightning struck right in a field next to our house.
         A few weeks later, a man from the Tokyo Power and Electric Company came around to check all our fixtures and breakers. He told us that the storm had totally wiped out the TVs, fridges and phones in many of the neighboring homes -- not just temporarily blowing the fuses, but the drop and consequent surge in the electricity had blown most of these appliances completely!
         Thank the Lord for the counsel and training we've received about turning off and unplugging all the computers and sensitive equipment. We'd not realized until then just how we had been spared, as we had not suffered one tiny problem from it all!
         I'm sure there are just so many ways the angels are watching over us, and caring for us in ways that we don't even realize.
         Another interesting thing the man related was that a foreign neighbor of ours just a few houses away had a large devil-idol over his door, which crashed to the floor and smashed during the storm! The kids excitedly recalled Grandma's stories of the Buddha and the temple on the cliff, etc.! Praise the Lord!

From Simeon, HCS
         The Lord did a miracle in turning around a typhoon -- the biggest since WW2 -- that was headed straight for us. The news commentaries said that this typhoon was as strong as one that had come in 1955, which had killed over a thousand people and caused massive destruction.
         We had desperate prayer in the morning, and the Lord promised that He would keep us from it. The winds were so strong and the destruction potential so high that we were instructed to evacuate everyone out of the prefab buildings and have them come into the main building, which was the safest, between 12:00 and 3:00 p.m., as that was to be the very worst time.
         Around 12:30, just as the winds were getting so strong that you couldn't walk safely outside, suddenly the winds started to die down. Expecting that we were in the eye of the storm, we sat and waited with bated breath for the rest of it -- the worst part -- to come. After waiting for two hours, it was still as calm as could be.
         Turning on the radio, we found that the storm had blown away. -- It had gotten within 60 miles of our bay area, and had then just veered off to sea.
         How we praised the Lord for His miraculous protection! Just those outskirts of the storm had caused a fair amount of damage -- some big trees had fallen over, some of the park equipment was damaged, our gardens in front of the school were mostly destroyed, the electricity and water went out for a while, etc. But all that was so very slight compared to what
could have happened -- considering that was the result of the storm 60 miles away, which was to have hit us head on.
         The day after, there was a hurricane of similar strength in the Caribbean which hit land and caused widespread damage. We watched the images on TV, well aware that that could easily have happened to us. Thank the Lord for His deliverance and the power of His promises!

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Larry's Miracle
"Without knowing why, Larry felt a strong urge to call his son into the house."
From Stephen and Sharon, North America

         Larry, one of our food contacts, received the tape, "When the Impossible Becomes Possible." When we later asked him on two occasions how he had liked it, he admitted that he hadn't listened to it yet. We were a little disappointed to hear this, but trusted the Lord that he would listen to it, knowing how much he needed the message on the tape.
         On our last visit, Larry exclaimed, "I listened to the tape last Wednesday and something
incredible happened on Friday!"
         He went on to relate that he had returned home one afternoon to find his mother in tears concerning a situation with Larry's five-year-old son, who at the time of this discussion was sitting on a bench in the front yard drawing a picture.
         Larry suddenly felt a strong impression to call his son to come into the house to find out what the problem was. His son didn't want to come, as he was having fun -- but his father insisted.
         No sooner had the boy reluctantly come in the house than a screeching of tires and a loud crash shook the whole house!
         The three rushed out to see what had happened, and found that a car had lost control and had run right over the bench where the boy had been sitting, then smashed into the house!
         They stood there in shock and awe at the magnitude of what had just happened and what
could have happened. Without a doubt they knew that it was only due to the Lord's miraculous intervention and protection that their son had come into the house at that time.
         Larry mentioned how much of an impression the tape had made on him, especially the part about guardian angels.
         "I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that an angel warned me about the impending disaster," Larry told us. "I don't normally react to strong impressions such as the one I had that afternoon, but this tape has had a profound effect on me -- and I believe this is why I felt such a strong urge to heed this impression and get my son back into the house."
         Larry's wife cried for two days afterwards, tears of thankfulness that their son had been so miraculously spared. Praise the Lord!

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The Importance of Instant Obedience!
"As I argued with the Lord, He interrupted, 'Are you ready to die and come and face Me?'"
From Christina Rose, Romania

         On a trip to a certain city, we were staying in a church guest room. As the room needed a little heating, we decided to leave the furnace flame on low overnight. (This was a gas furnace, and I had left it burning through the night when we had stayed in this church before, with no problems.)
         However, minutes after we settled down for the night, I had a feeling of danger. I asked the Lord again to protect us and especially to keep the furnace going right. But in spite of my prayers, my feeling of danger grew.
         Then the Lord told me,
Get out of bed and turn off the furnace.
         Lord help me, I started arguing with Him. "It's too cold, Lord! And I'm so tired!"
         But He interrupted me with,
Are you ready to die and to come and face Me?
         I became really scared as I knew that He was serious!
         Seconds later there was a small explosion inside the furnace, and I could see the flame going up into the pipes. I jumped up and turned it off right away. Praise His Name for protecting us!
         The next day we called the workmen, and they were shocked that we were still alive!
         The furnace pipes were leaking gas all over the place, and the flame was moving onward into the pipes. If I hadn't been alerted to turn off the furnace right away, the flame would have gone into the big pipes and the whole church would have caught on fire.
         The Lord's mercy is everlasting! It was a great lesson for me about immediate obedience!

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Deliverance from Fire
"As the heat in the cabin mounted, we saw firemen heading for the rear of the plane."
From Dominique, Brazil

         I am a flight attendant for British Airways. During preparations for the takeoff of a routine flight about eight years ago, a passenger asked me why hot air was coming from the air conditioning vent.
         I asked my supervisor about it, and he said, "Oh, it's normal! They only adjust the temperature in the cabin 15 minutes after takeoff." But with eight years of flight experience behind me, I knew that that was not a normal temperature.
         So I quickly prayed, asking the Lord to protect us and not to let anything bad happen.
         All of a sudden we heard a strong noise, like a little explosion. We all stayed at our posts, in case we needed to carry out an emergency evacuation of the aircraft.
         I asked the Lord again for His protection. As we waited, I felt the cabin beginning to heat up considerably.
         Then we saw firemen heading for the rear of the plane, and we knew that something serious had happened.
         After all the passengers were safely out of the plane and we crew were authorized to leave, we went to take a look at what had happened. One of the plane's engines had exploded, burning the rear of the plane.
         I was thankful that it had exploded outwardly, rather than towards the passenger cabin. I didn't realize what a miracle the Lord had done until an expert explained to me that if the explosion had occurred in the air after takeoff, we would have needed to make an emergency landing, and with the fuel tanks in the wings full, we would have had a very high risk of explosion. -- The wings could well have broken and exploded, killing all of us inside! Thank the Lord for His salvation and protection!

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Not a Second Too Soon!
"Out of the car's window I could see a huge truck, headed straight for us!"
From Jonathan, Albania

         I had to go to Elbasan, a city about two hours south of Tirana, to get some documents. My friend offered to drive me.
         Just before we left, my friend wanted to buy a new motorbike helmet. I tried to dissuade him; I wanted to get going, as we were late, but he still took time to buy it. Finally we were off.
         Everything was going well and I was resting in the back seat. All of a sudden I decided to sit up and put on my seat belt (something I don't usually do when I am sitting in the back seat).
         Then I saw my friend's helmet, and decided to try it on.
         Just as I put on the helmet, I saw a huge truck which had been attempting to overtake a car, now hurtling towards us on our side of the road! Both vehicles tried to brake, but it was too late and we hit in a head-on collision.
         Our car was a Mercedes, but still small compared to the truck, so the force of the impact pushed us under the truck and we hit his wheel. The car swung round in a semi-circle and a car in the other lane crashed into the side of our car, near where I was sitting.
         My head smashed into the window, breaking the glass. -- Wearing that helmet saved my life!
         What a miracle of the Lord's protection that I had put on the seat belt and helmet just seconds before the crash! Thank the Lord that we had prayed for His protection, and that His preparation had saved me. I escaped with no injuries whatsoever!
(Editor's note: Wow! A good illustration of the importance of always wearing a seat belt if one is available, even in the back seat of a vehicle.)
