WOMEN IN LOVE!            GP 292            12/73

         1. Here it seems to me we're back again to the Scriptures God gave us on "all things". If those Scriptures apply to heterosexual relationships, male & female, why can't they apply to the relationships of two women?--Why not, if the same rules are applied? When He's speaking of love, He says if you do it in LOVE, against such there is NO law, right?
         2. But there the rules would apply in any female-to-female relationships the same as they apply to ALL THINGS, RIGHT? It must be in REAL LOVE, not just a sexual lust. It MUST be in LOVE. You MUST do it in LOVE. It must be done with UNDERSTANDING. It must be done by FAITH, not under condemnation, knowing your liberties in the lord. And it must be done with mutual CONSENT.--All the same rules apply.
         3. But if it causes one of these younger sisters to stumble, there's some problem, some difficulty in the relationship. If it bears bad FRUIT, it's BAD. From what I can see in this specific instance, the ONE girl seemed to be a real LESBIAN & was simply enjoying sexual relationships.
         4. This girl says she's never had masculine relations, male relations. She's ALWAYS been a LESBIAN & to ME that sounds like a form of PERVERSION. When a girl has NEVER had any NORMAL desire for a MAN, I begin to wonder if it's a SPIRITUAL thing. It is certainly not NORMAL or natural as God intended, therefore SUCH lesbianism IS a PERVERSION.
         5. You have to judge each individual case on its own merits: Is it GOOD? It is good for THEM? Do they do it & have that relationship with real genuine LOVE for each other, NOT just physical attraction, but real LOVE? Is it HELPFUL to each of them or is it HARMFUL? Does it BUILD them up or TEAR them down? Does it have good FRUIT & foster good relationships? Does it have a good effect on OTHERS?
         6. You have to judge all relationships on these standards, including a normal marriage. You could ask about a normal marriage the very same questions. The main thing is to judge it like a normal marriage: First of all, is it for the glory of GOD? Second, is it good for His KINGDOM, His Children? And last of all, is it good for YOU, right?
         7. I try to minister to everyone on a general basis, give you God's general rules, but from there on YOU'VE got to solve your own individual problems with the help of God & your closest associates. YOU have got to get in touch with God YOURSELF & find out what is God's Will for YOU! That was the inspiration of that Letter "Choice": Somebody was writing to me, "What shall I do?" I wrote back & said, "GOD leaves it up to YOU!--What do YOU want to do? If you love Him above all things & you do all for the glory of God & you delight yourself in Him, He'll give you the desires of YOUR heart!--What do YOU want?"--Right? How am I to know?--Only YOU & GOD know! They say, "Well, you're the PROPHET of GOD! YOU'RE supposed to know EVERYTHING!" I am a Prophet of God, but I don't know EVERYTHING!--I'm not GOD! I only know what God REVEALS to me, that's all!
         8. I'd be totally involved in individual personal problems & relationships & have to give an individual specific answer for every single person in the Revolution! That's the whole idea of the Revolution: It's supposed to break you away from such a man-made attachment & man-made dependence where everybody has to depend on one preacher, one denomination or one pope or whatever! EACH ONE is supposed to find God for HIMSELF & be filled with the Holy Spirit & led by the Spirit of God INDIVIDUALLY so that they find the answers for THEMSELVES, their OWN individual cases!
         9. But when you consider how FEW GIRLS we have & how MANY MEN we have & how badly our BOYS need WIVES, why the hell you women can't find some BOYS instead of having to shack up with EACH OTHER I don't know!
         10. Is it because you don't like boys, you don't WANT boys or you're afraid of having BABIES, or what is it? It seems like you ought to pray that you can find a good HUSBAND! I don't know why the Widow's Colonies must REMAIN Widow's Colonies!
         11. It seems to me that the ideal thing for those widow's colonies is for some men to move in with them & take care of those widows so they're no longer widows & they've got some men to love them & take care of them & be husbands to them & fathers to their children! Is it because you boys are so selfish you're not willing to undertake the responsibilities of a family or of a wife who already has children?
         12. Are you boys so selfish or so jealous that you're not willing to be a father to these poor widows' children? How can you say they're somebody ELSE'S children?--They're OUR children! I feel like every child in the Revolution is MINE & plenty of them ARE! Why should I feel any different between one & the other, huh?--They're OUR children!--Not YOUR children or MY children, they are OUR children, GOD'S children! And we should have sufficient love to take care of loving them ALL as equally as possible.
         13. So why haven't you men got the guts to marry these widows? What is it with you men that you can't move in with these poor dear lonesome girls, every one of whom needs a MAN & a FATHER for her children & someone to HELP her & to LOVE her & KEEP her & SLEEP with her & make LOVE to her! Why can't they find some BOYS? You'd think they were some kind of LEPERS' colonies instead of mere lonely WIDOWS!
         14. Where are the men? Haven't we got any MEN?--Or are you just a bunch of LITTLE BOYS who are scared to death of BIG GIRLS! So WHAT if she has a child by somebody else? I don't care WHAT the situation is!
         15. If the girl needs a man & she needs a husband, I think she ought to try to get one! If she's lost the one she had BEFORE, she should find a NEW one! If there's no hope for reconciliation, no hope for reunion with the father of her child or whoever he is, or he's a Systemite & not a member of the Revolution or WHATEVER the score is, for God's sake & her children's sake & her own sake she ought to look herself up a NEW one, find a NEW man, a NEW husband!
         16. For God's sake, where are the men? Boys, where the Hell ARE you? Why can't you help these poor widows out & MARRY'm?--Take CARE of them, LOVE them, so they won't HAVE to love each other SEXUALLY. They OUGHT to love each other SPIRITUALLY, of course, sister-like. (Prays:)
         17. We believe that marriage is the best solution to the problem, Lord, because that's the NORMAL solution & THY ordained way, the best. We believe the other is NOT ORDAINED & You also obviously didn't ADVOCATE it. But You certainly DID advocate MARRIAGE, Lord--heterosexual, male/female marriage, for lots of good reasons, Lord.
         18. So we ask you to send these dear girls some men who'd be willing to marry them & love them & give them what they need. And supply the needs of the many BOYS we have, Lord, who NEED these women, be they widows or otherwise, that they may have a normal relationship, the ORDAINED & BLESSED relationship, Lord, of GENUINE HETEROSEXUAL MALE/ FEMALE MARRIAGE that You ordained from the BEGINNING, Lord.
         19. "In the beginning God created them male & female!--Male & female created He them!"--"And these two shall become one flesh!" So, Lord, that's the only way they'll ever be truly SATISFIED & the only way they'll be truly UNITED, when they're UNITED NORMALLY & PHYSICALLY as a MAN & a WIFE should be. That will be the most SATISFYING relationship & the most LASTING, because that's what YOU intended!
         20. But girls obsessed with a desire for ONLY girls are possibly possessed of a MALE SPIRIT, in which case I would call that a PERVERSION & possibly Satanic or demonic.
         21. Any girl who doesn't like relationships with men at all & only likes girls has some kind of a perverted spirit! But a girl who can be BISEXUAL & have relationships with EITHER, I'd say she's NORMAL. But any girl that's totally obsessed with WOMEN ONLY & can't stand MEN at ALL & is STRICTLY LESBIAN ONLY IS PERVERTED & it's possibly even a SPIRITUAL thing, a SPIRITUAL PERVERSION & DANGEROUS & should be PRAYED for to be DELIVERED. That's my opinion.
         22. However, there are some women who are evidently born with excessive male hormones & characteristics & are almost more MALE than female & therefore have an unusual desire for other women rather than men. These are to be PITIED & PRAYED for to be HEALED, like any other sickness or unnatural deformity & NOT to be CONDEMNED, but LOVED.
         23. Sometimes these who are born mannish make very good partners & establish happy & satisfactory relationships with some girls & this may satisfy the needs of some. But I do not believe ANYTHING can take the place of NORMAL HETEROSEXUAL MARRIAGE. Anything ELSE is at BEST a POOR SUBSTITUTE & should normally be no more than TEMPORARY until the REAL thing comes along--a MAN!--Amen?--So MEN, get on the STICK!--Or GIRLS, get on THEIR sticks!--Amen?

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