NEW COLONIES II                   DO 60            3/71

         1. WE DID NOT QUITE COMPLETE OUR SERIES OF LESSONS TO YOU ON THE HANDLING OF "LETTERS"! I think we got as far as the reading & marking of incoming mail; & this is as good a place as any to add the final touches regarding routing from there on. I'm speaking particularly for the benefit of you smaller Homes who do not have a highly technical staff & a large office with many labourers. Your little operation is almost as small as ours here, so the way we handle our mail has a little more personal touch & is probably better for you!
         2. AFTER READING & MARKING A LETTER, REPORT OR LOG, those which are marked with a big red X & have been checked with points to be answered are put in a special pile of mail to be answered. Of course, you shouldn't let this grow to a pile, if you can help it; but try to work on it every day & answer all of it each day as it comes in, if you can. "Time is short & the days are evil, & we must work the works of Him that sent us while it is yet day, for the night cometh when no man can work" (Jn.9:4), so try to keep your work current & up-todate.
         3. AT THIS POINT IN THE OPERATION YOU WILL PROBABLY ROUTE THE INCOMING LETTER WITH A NOTATION AS TO HOW IT'S TO BE ANSWERED, what paragraphs to use & what special answer is needed, if any, to whatever secretary is assigned to this task, who will then type it, or have it typed, probably in triplicate, to keep copies for their file for reference, & return the answer clipped to the original letter to the official secretary for her approval, who will either then sign it with her own name as official secretary for the boss, or pass it on to him, if that important, for his final approval & personal signature, which he then places in a box or tray for the one who does the final folding, stuffing, stamping & sealing, removing of stamps from the incoming envelope, filing of the incoming letter or passing it on, if of special interest to whoever takes care of public group reading.
         4. THE SEALING OF THE FINISHED PRODUCT IS LEFT UNTIL THE VERY LAST, in case at the last moment, any further informa tion, additions, PS's, corrections, enclosures or changes need to be made, & whoever's in charge of final sealing--when all is said & done--seals your letter & delivers it to your postman, as well as checking & double-checking the address, return address & proper postage. We also lay hands on our outgoing mail & pray for it that the Lord will bless & keep it & use it for His Glory, which is even safer than trusting the postal system, which can fail, without the help of God. So don't forget to pray!--Always!

         5. BE SURE TO MARK ON THE INCOMING LETTER THE DATE IT WAS ANSWERED, & enter this date in your letter log before filing it away in its proper place. A letter log should be kept in all Homes for the sake of your own records with a brief notation listing the items of mail received each day, along with the date received in the incoming section, plus the date answered in the outgoing section for ready reference of the progress of your mail & what was in it, both incoming & outgoing. This is very important, for example, when you want to check & see if a certain party had already received your answer, either before or after he wrote again etc.
         6. BEFORE FINAL FILING OF THE ANSWERED LETTER IN ITS PROPER SECTION--filed perhaps by areas, or types of correspondence, such as donors, applicants, inquiries, officials, 10:36ers, kids, testimonials, complaints etc.--you will want to make sure that FRIENDLY NAMES are put on your mailing list for your regular prayer letter, newspaper etc., which should be sent to all friends, donors, friendly parents, friendly visitors, interested youth etc.--And here your Ministry of the Mail continues in an ever-widening circle of witnessing to others around the World whom you hope to help, win, gain as disciples, or be helped by. The possibilities are limitless, like the harvest fields so white, and there will always be more than enough for the labourers so few! Don't underestimate the magnitude of the Ministry of the Mail! And don't forget to include each member's letters to home & friends!

         7. SOME OF YOU ARE SOMETIMES GUILTY OF NOT GETTING THE LORD'S MONEY'S WORTH OUT OF YOUR POSTAGE & are not filling your envelopes with as much as your stamp could carry. This may seem insignificant, but envelopes cost money, your time in addressing them is worth more than money, & this makes double the work, as well as double the postage, double the envelopes, & this can soon mount up, if multiplied by 52 times a year, or once a week. And not to mention the time & labour in a year's time--how much more postage & envelopes could you buy for the Lord for that wasted in a year's time! It could almost double your office expenses!
         8. THIS MAY SEEM LIKE A SMALL THING, but "He that is faithful in that which is least, is also faithful in that which is much" (Luk. 16:10), so don't despise the day of small things--Zech.4:10. Even a little faith no bigger than a grain of mustard seed can remove a mountain (Mat.17:20); so if you'll save a few of these little grains of postage, they can help move a mountain of mail.
         9. ALSO, THE FULL QUOTA OF SHEETS OF PAPER IN AN ENVELOPE, ESPECIALLY THESE THIN AIRMAIL ENVELOPES, HELP TO REINFORCE & STRENGTHEN THEM, so they're not so easily damaged. Remember, in one of these lightweight airmail envelopes you can safely send with the Lord's help, three sheets of airmail paper (the tissue-thin onion-skin type, even legal size, like ours) for only one stamp, & eight sheets in one envelope for only two stamps, & 13 sheets in one envelope for three stamps, which is about the limit to what these envelopes can hold safely. So you see, the more you send in a single envelope, the more you save; because, for each additional half ounce after the first one, you're sending only sheets of paper & not another envelope--& this also saves time in addressing, stamping, mailing & trips to the post office. Every little bit counts! Let's be good stewards of God's gifts. When God finds He can trust you with little, tiny little things like a few pennies' postage, He'll give you more!
         10. WHAT'S WILFULLY WASTED WILL BE WILFULLY WANTED SOME DAY! Waste hurts you & the Lord!--And me! Maybe this is why God now trusts me with you & so much more! And this is also why you will find that it's no coincidence that our Letters to you are nearly always either three, eight, or thirteen pages long, & written on from the North to the South & the East to the West, coast to coast & shore to shore, top to bottom & side to side! I don't even like it when my little secretary fails to fill a line to the very end & the edge of the paper, or paragraphs too soon, or indents too far--it wastes so much paper! Wow! You didn't know anybody could be that saving, did you? Well, remember, Salvation is our business; we even save paper & postage stamps! Amen? It may be hard to read, but it makes talk a whole lot cheaper!

         11. WHAT A GREAT FIRE A LITTLE FLAME KINDLETH, BUT YOU CAN ALSO FREEZE TO DEATH FOR THE LACK OF A MATCH! Behold, to what mighty oaks do little acorns grow! What a lesson again in the importance of the smallest details.
         12. IT REMINDS ME OF THAT FAMOUS BIT OF BRITISH HISTORY: "FOR WANT OF A NAIL, A SHOE WAS LOST. For want of a shoe, a horse was lost. For want of a horse, a king was lost, & for want of the king, a kingdom was lost!"--The story of a king who lost his kingdom because his horse fell when it lost a shoe, because of one tiny missing nail. What a sad commentary on the danger of the smallest neglect! What a bitter lesson on unfaithfulness in that which is least! It made a mountain out of a molehill!
         13. AND FAILURE TO PLUG A TINY LEAK IN THE DIKE CAUSED A FLOOD! "DESPISE NOT THE DAY OF SMALL THINGS!"--Zech:4:10.-Even one talent, five loaves & two fishes, one wrong decision in the Garden of Eden; one tiny boat in a worldwide flood, one little Tower of Babel, which has caused worldwide confusion ever since & untold wars between nations; one little promise to Abraham, which has brought blessing to the whole World; one little man on a mountain who brought the moral laws of God to the entire Earth; one little mistake by Joshua--the only one he ever made that's in the record, but from which Israel is STILL suffering; one little lad in a sheepcote, who became King & a type of Christ, & changed the history of the World; a handful of meal & a few drops of oil, which kept God's Prophet & his hostess & her son alive through three years of famine, when mixed with obedience; one little look by King David divided the Kingdom & nearly destroyed it! One little hasty disobedience on the part of his predecessor, Saul, had caused Saul to lose it!
         14. THE IMPORTANCE OF LITTLE THINGS! One little stone brought down a giant; one little haircut almost lost the Kingdom; one little lunch cost a Prophet his life; one little manger changed the destiny of Mankind; & one little deal brought death to the Saviour, so that only a little mustard seed of faith could move mountains! I wonder how many mountains failed to get moved for lack of that tiny seed of faith!
         15. THERE ARE SO MANY EXAMPLES OF THE IMPORTANCE OF LITTLE THINGS THROUGHOUT HISTORY, EITHER FOR GOOD OR FOR EVIL, that they are almost innumerable: Little drops of water, little grains of sand, make the mighty ocean & the beautiful land!--And constant dropping can wear away a stone! I hope you haven't dropped anything lately that could bring future destruction!

         16. WE'RE THE ONES GOD USED TO START THIS WHOLE THING, that "Look" & "Nova" & NBC & Newsweek & Time & radio & television & newspapers & commentators are talking about the World over! Who said we have nothing to do with the "Jesus" Movement? Who do you think started this recent movement among youth in California? WHO WERE THE FIRST to reach the hippies with the Gospel, through street witnessing, a coffee house, massive demonstrations & a fanatical challenge to the churches? WHO WERE THE FIRST to get thrown in jail for it & risk their lives for it, be called fools & fanatics for it & to insist there was hope for the hippie, before everybody started climbing on the bandwagon & doing the same things, because they saw that our crazy methods were being met with success? WHO WERE THE PIONEERS of these street marches, sitins, singing & powerful picketing for Jesus? WHO FIRST STARTED calling it a "Revolution for Jesus" & using a Christian revolutionary finger-salute? WHO LED THE WAY into the streets & the campuses with their open Bibles & their Gospel tracts & their picketing placards & singing marches & massive beach baptisms? THEY NEVER DID THIS BEFORE WE CAME!
         17. WHERE DID YOU EVER HEAR OF SUCH THINGS IN CALIFORNIA BEFORE WE STARTED THEM? Who else did you read about in the newspapers, or hear on the radio, or watch on television that were doing these things before we came?--Only the Communists, the radicals & the violent revolutionaries of the Devil! Nobody had thought, or even dared, to use such methods for Christ! Even Dave Wilkerson himself, as revolutionary as he had been in times past in reaching the old teen gangs of New York in the days of the beatniks, when he first heard of hippies, said they were impossible & never heard of any of'm getting saved, & instead, aimed his milk-toast & pink-tea coffee houses & his Youth for Christish rallies at the straights & the churchy kids.
         18. BUT NOW HE & HIS COUSIN RALPH & OTHERS, WHO HATED US & FOUGHT US & called the cops on us, are all imitating & aping our methods, along with countless others, after they saw they were so successful, including Arthur Blessit & Duane Pederson & the Jesus People! Even Billy Graham & his followers are climbing on the bandwagon with gigantic rallies of churchy Jesus kids using our slogan "The Revolution for Jesus" & a finger salute of their own! Hallelujah!
         19. OUR LITTLE SPLASH HAS STARTED A TIDAL WAVE! Behold what a great fire our little flame has kindled! We were the tiny little pioneers! I even remember the first time we were called the "Jesus Freaks"! We even started using all those "hip" expressions: "High on Jesus", "The Ultimate Trip", "Take a trip with Jesus", "Revolution for Jesus" etc.! We were the pioneers, as always!
         20. BUT WE HAD DECLARED WAR AS WELL ON THE RELIGIOUS SYSTEM & THEY WOULD HAVE NONE OF US, & went about seeking to slay us instead, & wouldn't have been caught dead in our company, cast us out of their synagogues, hounded us with their police, cast us into their prisons & in general tried to fight & repudiate every move we made, every doctrine we preached, every method we used, every action we took & the publicity we gained!
         21. BUT IN SPITE OF THEM, THESE THINGS WERE NOISED ABROAD, & THE MULTITUDES GATHERED TOGETHER because of the irresistible power of the Spirit, the unconquerable Truth of God & the overwhelming Love of Jesus, along with the uncompromising adherence to His Word, His Ways & His wonderful Way of Living! They never heard of such a thing before & they said it couldn't be done.--But we DID it!--And now they're ALL trying it, with a measure of success as long as they're preaching Jesus! Thank God the Gospel is preached! We are the "Jesus" movement of today! We started this present tidal wave of witnessing & hippie hallelujahs! Don't knock it!--Use it! Amen?
         22. WE'RE THE ONES WHO STARTED THE WHOLE THING! We are the "Jesus People" of all Jesus People! We spearheaded the Jesus Movement--& without us there wouldn't have been one! We are the original Jesus Freaks, because before us, there weren't any--at least not since the days of the Twelve Disciples! We are the reincarnation of the Early Church, reincarnated by the Holy Ghost of God, possessed with the Holy Spirit--the mad fanatics of the Last Church, the radical Christian extremists of the Last Day, the wild Prophets of God of the Time of the End! This is it! We are it! And you'd better believe it, Man, & don't knock it!--Use it!

         23. THEY'LL NEVER GIVE US THE CREDIT FOR IT, BUT GOD WILL! They'll say "it began somewhere in Orange County, California, years ago"; but you don't think these damn churches who are now climbing on the band wagon will ever confess that we were the first drivers, do you? You don't think for a moment that these compromising Christians who condemned us in those early days are going to give us the credit for it, do you? Don't think for a minute they're going to say who it was that started it, or exactly where it started & how! They just say that's a mystery, thank God! They're taking all the credit for it themselves, & they have their reward! We'll get ours in Heaven! Besides, if they confess now that we were the ones, some might say to them, as Jesus said to the Scribes & Pharisees about John the Baptist, His pioneer: "Why then did ye not believe on him & receive him?"--Mat.21:25.--But instead, they're calling us publicity-mad, false prophets of a false cult, & persecuting us in the name of religion & their own hypocritical self-righteousness!
         24. I HAVE OFTEN SAID, IF THE PHARISEES COULD HAVE PUT THEIR OWN BRAND ON JESUS & used Him for their own glory, to promote their own synagogues, they would have been glad to have Him, no matter what He did--but they couldn't buy Him! He wouldn't say "Uncle"! He just kept leading a revolution against them, so they finally had to kill Him, even though they later imitated many of His methods & tried to copy His success, like the Seven Sons of Sceva, who tried to use His name to promote their own religious business! But the Devil knew the difference, & said, "JESUS I know & PAUL I know, but who are YE?" (Acts 9:13-16)--& attacked them, & they couldn't withstand him, because they didn't have the strength of the ones they were trying to imitate! They were fakes, weak plastics, counterfeits, compromisers, the Concision, the churchy copy of God's original, a poor carbon copy of the real thing, faint & almost unintelligible, as sheep having no Shepherd, but plenty of false ones, & oodles of well-constructed folds happy to receive'm in their large lily-livered numbers, glad to put their brand on them & proclaim them theirs! May God deliver us from such sickening lukewarmness! It makes me wanna puke, the same way it does God!
         25. BUT THE SYSTEM THINKS THEY'RE GREAT, A MARVELLOUS NEW MOVEMENT, in which thousands of kids are getting saved & turning from drugs & crime & violence, a ray of hope that may save their filthy, rebellious & stiffened necks; so they're tickled pink to have them, hoping that now Jesus will do for them what their education & damnable system has failed to do--save them from a flood of violent revolution, which is about to sweep them all away! So they're so thankful!--Let'm be thankful! Let'm thank you for it! Tell'm you started it!
         26. TAKE CREDIT WHERE CREDIT IS DUE! Tell'm we are indeed the people, the "Jesus People", the 100% originals to whom they can give credit for the whole movement--& let them give you homage & protection & honour to whom honour is due, & lay at your feet everything you need to finish the job, including a free tomb, after they've crucified you! They'll even provide the cross!
         27. BUT IN THE MEANTIME, USE THE NICODEMUSES, THE GAMA LIELS & THE JOSEPHS OF ARIMATHEA TO FURTHER YOUR CAUSE! All things are yours in Christ Jesus! Hallelujah!--including the "Jesus People" & the "Jesus Movement"! You started it by the Grace of God, the Power of His Spirit & your obedience to His Word! Accept it! Use it! And thank God for it! If they wanna see a "Jesus People", or the genuine "Jesus Movement", let'm take a look! We are the real McCoy! Tell'm you're the ones who started it years ago & are the leaders of it, & take advantage of this wave of publicity God is giving us! Don't knock it!--Use it!
         28. REMEMBER THE EARLY CHURCH RODE THE CREST OF THE TIDAL WAVE OF JESUS' NOTORIETY & the flood of publicity which His early disciples had received, & which swept the World in the early days of the first Jesus Movement; & notice they didn't hesitate to take advantage of it! They used the temple crowds & both Jesus & Paul & their followers accepted invitations to speak in their synagogues & political rallies. They didn't deny they were the leaders of it, & used every open door to spread their message! You're tagged--& you're it! Catch'm! Tell'm you're it! You ARE!--Use it!

         29. THE EARLY CHURCH RODE THIS WAVE OF EARLY PUBLICITY & JESUS' & THEIR POPULARITY, UNTIL THEY HAD FILLED ALL THE WORLD WITH THEIR DOCTRINE--& people everywhere were trying to imitate them & climb on their coattails. God got out the Message, made it & them popular eventually after those earlyday struggles, until He'd accomplished His Purpose in reaping that last-day harvest, before the doom of the Roman Empire & the Jewish Nation! First the pioneers, then the popularity-then the persecution!
         30. GOD HELPED THEM GET OUT THEIR MESSAGE WITH TREMENDOUS PUBLICITY until it had swept the World & reaped the harvest of souls, then He cracked down on them to purge them, drive them underground & scatter them even further, by allowing a mounting tide of jealous opposition & Satanic fury of the radical right to rise against them. This caused a time of trouble under the anti-Christ Roman dictatorship, such as had not been since the World began, & guaranteed its downfall! First came the fall of their homeland, Palestine, with the fall of Jerusalem & the burning of their temple & destruction of their false worship & the crucifixion of thousands of the persecutors of the Early Church, as the judgements of God began to fall upon them for how they had treated those Children of God, leaders of the first Jesus Movement; & the final anti-Christ dictators of Rome rose to power on the burning bodies of the martyrs of the Early Church!
         31. BUT WHEN THE CUP OF INIQUITY OF THAT ANTI-JESUS MOVEMENT WAS FULL, God destroyed the government that persecuted them, wiped out its religions & the Church took over the World.--A type of what is yet to come in an even greater fulfillment! Hallelujah!
         32. SO MAKE HAY WHILE THE SUN SHINES, GATHER IN THE HARVEST BEFORE THE STORM, for the night is coming when no man can work. They couldn't lick us, so they had to join us. They couldn't stop us, so they had to follow! But we're "hanging ten" on the crest; we're riding the top of the waves--& they're having to carry us, whether they like it or not! The Early Christians never denied they were Jews, or even followers of Moses! They didn't try to fight the Pharisees; the Pharisees fought them, & denied they had anything to do with the Christians; & the compromising Circumcision condemned the radical Paul, leader of the fanatical Children of God, the real beginners of that Jesus movement, & tried to corner the whole thing in their synagogues! They tried to turn a Revolution into a Reformation!--To make it popular to be a Christian; & they succeeded for a while--until the persecution came, which wiped out the half-hearted, the compromisers & the System Christians, but only set more fire to the true Children of God, which burned even brighter, until the antiChrist dictatorship of Rome was destroyed! History repeats itself & I'm sure you can see the parallel!--To us!
         33. TO THIS DAY THE JEWS, REMNANTS OF THE SYSTEM-RELIGION OF THAT DAY, still tell a legend about one of their leaders, a great teacher named Saul who suddenly disappeared, but that it was rumoured that he was the fanatical & mysterious leader of the radical Jesus Movement, even though they couldn't find him! Quite an analogy, huh? Any resemblance to any persons now living is purely intentional, PTL!

         34. AS FOR NEW DISCIPLES, & A MORE LENIENT POLICY TOWARD THE WEAKER OF THEM, I did not mean to turn our places into hospitals, mental institutions, or reformatories. These new babes must have the same Salvation, the same Power of Spirit, the same Motivation, the same desire to Forsake-all & the same total Dedication to serve Jesus! They must abide by the same rules of the revolutionary articles of war, which are the same for both officers & men, from generals to privates. My suggestion was that when we have the facilities for it, preferably separate facilities for these weaker babes, weaker perhaps in the mind or body, but not in spirit, not necessarily leadership material, but at least followership timber, that we should try to comfort the feeble-minded & receive these WEAKER BRETHREN into our fellowship to do tasks they are capable of--not stretcher cases & patients for padded cells, or confirmed criminals.
         35. I NEVER SAID TAKE IN ANYBODY & EVERYBODY. EVEN JESUS PUT HIS DISCIPLES TO TESTS THAT TURNED MOST WOULD-BE FOLLOWERS AWAY OF THEIR OWN ACCORD, including that cannibal sermon, & a few other shockers. It won't take many challenges like this to see if they really mean business; but I don't ever recall Him asking them to fast for 7 days, or sending them back to the Pit to wallow a little longer in the slime to find out if they still wanted to come; they might be too weak to stand & might go under. Some of you might have gone under, if we hadn't taken you in when we did. You couldn't have stood then, in your weakened condition, another trip home. If they're all that strong, they don't need us. We've lost some by making that mistake. How many fish have you caught again, that once you had'm hooked, you threw'm back in to see if they'd survive! I do not think it's Scriptural! Test them, but don't throw them back to the wolves & the sharks.
         36. THE TESTING SHOULD BE AS TO SALVATION, SPIRIT, DESIRE, MOTIVATION & DEDICATION, NOT STRENGTH & KNOWLEDGE. How much strength & knowledge has a little babe got? How much does he know & how much can he do? How much did YOU know & how much did YOU do when you first came?--But we still took you in & gave you time to grow, get stronger & mature till you could stand on your own.

         37. AND AS FOR COMPLETING THE COURSE BEFORE YOU TRUST THEM WITH WORK OR ANY RESPONSIBILITY, much less leadership--how many of you leaders completed the course before you were put in positions of leadership? So who the hell are you to question the wisdom of God on the basis of pencil-pushers & paper skill? Three of our greatest leaders can't even spell; some of them never even finished Junior High, much less all of our requirements, but God put you in places of responsibility & leadership when you were needed, & judged you by His Own standard. Selah! Put the babes to work!
         38. THE EVERYDAY MANUAL LABOUR OF HOME OPERATION & MAINTENANCE IS AN ESSENTIAL PART OF THEIR TRAINING, & if they can't pass that test, they'll never make it. He that would be chief among you must be servant of all. The Son of Man Himself came not to be ministered unto, but to minister. If they don't learn this lesson, they'll never learn anything--& headstuffing with a lot of Scriptures & Bible Prophecy, facts & figures & theories won't mean a thing. This is one of those cases where you have to let'm work out their own Salvation, & with fear & trembling learn to obey! But we always tried to make it voluntary, as Jesus does, & give you the kind of work you like & want to do & in which God blesses you, the desire of your heart, as God does also as much as possible.
         39. WE USED TO ROTATE ALL JOBS IN SUCH A MANNER THAT NOBODY HAD TO MISS CLASSES VERY OFTEN, although everybody took their turn at the labours. I also made sure they had their alloted free time each day! Everybody's gotta have a little time for personal rest, prayer, study or recreation. Don't you dare rob them of it, except in cases of dire emergency-only rarely & occasionally, when it can't be helped. Otherwise, get that work time & that play time BOTH in there, as WELL as the class time. Besides that, YOU need the free time too, because all work & no play makes you a very dull, as well as very tired, leader, & can soon destroy your value as a leader by wrecking your health or your nerves!
         40. A STITCH IN TIME SAVES NINE! No matter how much work I have to do, I insist on taking a walk or hike every day for relaxation, recreation, refreshment & good healthful exercise, unless it's a very unusual day. You even need to relax your mind & give it a little relaxation, a rest from its usual problems, by engaging in a little sport, indoor sport with your wife, or outdoor sport with the boys!--Watch out, girls!--Or SOMETHING different from the usual grind! Even Jesus had to! Amen?
         41. NO WONDER YOU LEADERS ARE OVERWORKED! YOU JUST LIKE YOUR FAVORITE FEW DOING THEIR TYPICAL TASKS & YOU DON'T WANT TO TRAIN ANYBODY NEW! It's always easier to do it yourself than to teach somebody else how to do it, so you'd rather have the few you've already trained, the chosen few you've had at it for months or years, even when the job gets bigger than they can handle because of so many students, & yet you refuse to give the babes time to work or time to be trained for your jobs, so you can be relieved. Maybe you're afraid they might beat you out of it permanently & you wouldn't be so desperately needed any more, & might have to go to some foreign field instead, or some road team or lead some new Home instead of home, sweet home!
         42. BUT NEW BLOOD IS THE LIFE OF THIS PARTY & WE'LL NEVER BE ABLE TO HANDLE GROWTH WITHOUT IT. You're becoming just like the churches, afraid to trust anybody new with responsibility, except the preachers, or the usual board, and there are just certain people you like, and you don't like anybody else to intrude on the nice little privacy you're enjoying with them--but you'll never have a Revolution that way!
         43. EVERY ONE OF YOU SHOULD BE TRAINING TWO OR THREE OTHER PEOPLE TO DO YOUR JOB, SHARING YOUR SECRETS & FORMULAS WITH THEM, teaching'm how to cook your old treasured recipes & concoct your special potions! But he that withholdeth, it tendeth to poverty, & there is that scattereth abroad, yet increaseth--Pro. 11:24! If you withhold on-the-job training, if you're afraid to give them responsibility for fear they'll learn your job & oust you, you ought to be ousted, because this is a clinic, founded as a clinic, to give on-the-job training, to learn by doing & to teach others to teach others to take their place! What's wrong? Have you forgotten what you joined the Army for?

Copyright (c) 1998 by The Family