         For you who are thinking about becoming one with another, set your affection on things above together, even before you are married. Come to Me together. Set
that foundation, for no other foundation can be laid than that which is laid on Me. If you build on any other foundation, the marriage will crumble, for I will not bless it.
         In the days of your courtship and in the days of your wooing, woo with My Spirit. Together woo with My Spirit, and together woo My Spirit. Humble yourselves before one another. Come to Me in love together. For I put that love in your hearts to begin with, that you may become a union.
         For that love to remain, you must focus on Me, for I am the supply of oil that keeps the warmth of the fire burning, and you must tap into My source together, lest the fire die. If you do not begin in this manner, loving Me together, praising Me together, making love to Me together, and focusing your love and affection and attention upon Me together, the love will grow cold and you will be building on a foundation that is not sure.
         You must learn to look at these relationships with one another in a new way; no longer in the carnal way, no longer in the selfish way, no longer in the immature and gossipy way. But you must look at these relationships as an amplification of the relationship that I wish for you to have with Me. (ML #3032)

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